The New {Little} Guy

**wipes off dust**

May I introduce you to the newest little gentleman in my life?

Newly born

…Zakhari Vance Rowe
…Tuesday, December 31, 2013…
…2:54 a.m. …
…7 pounds, 13 ounces…
…21 inches long…
…Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous…

After three girls, there is finally another male in the house.  We’re adjusting well, and remembering to refer to the baby as ‘him’ and ‘brother’ (…most of the time).  His big sisters adore him to pieces and are constantly looking to cuddle and kiss him.

Zakhari’s arrival, among a few other things, put the blog on a mini-vacation for a while.  Life is slowly getting back to normal on all fronts.  I hope to share his birth story soon.

First outing at 2 weeks old.
Hello world :)

1+1 = 5…..Who Knew?!

So, following up from this post

I was feeling horrendous for awhile and couldn’t figure out just why.  I at first thought that maybe I was waiting too long to eat brekkie in the mornings or that I was exercising too hard.  (Some days I was able to do a 30 day shred workout, and then a walk in the evenings).  Then I thought I was just eating wrongly.  But then, that was followed by exhaustion.  I was tired before I even awoke in the mornings.  I’d be falling asleep watching tv with Jamayia in the afternoons.  For the life of me, I had NO clue what was happening.  My tolerance level for nonsense was also shortened immensely! 

At the time I was reading a novel with a female character in the lead.  She started feeling ill herself and when she visited her doctor her options were either tumour or pregnancy.  Then it clicked.  I’d better test myself because I’d rather be pregnant versus tumourous.

**drumroll please**

I’m pregnant!!!!!!!!  **still blinking**

The shock is slowly wearing off.  I think I’m due sometime in January 2011.  Listen to me–I “think” I’m due… 

LOL….well, three kids. 



That’s the sound of my voice echoing at the emptiness on this blog.  Woah–I knew it’d been a while, but I wasn’t expecting that my last post was wayyyy back in January.  What’s been going on?

  • We went to California
  • All of us went (it was originally supposed to be Jhyelle & I)
  • I started working on the side a wee bit
  • I had some whack flu bug (I’d gone a whole eight years without vomiting!!!)
  • Jamayia’s been sick every single month…and is getting sick again
  • Jhyelle’s had small touches of illness after Jamayia, but nothing unbearable
  • I started working out…paused, due to illness…and have restarted again

I’ll now have to backtrack and do more detailed updates.  But welcome to today.  The Dr’s office found a slot for Jamayia with another Dr in the practice.  She started coughing again yesterday, and it’s sounding quite chesty to me. 

Oh…and I got an iPhone.  Cools!!! 

Where Does The Time Go?

Sometimes, I wish I had an answer for that question. But alas, here we are. What’s new in our household?

Jhyelle’s busy motoring around like nobody’s business! She crawls quite quickly, and can get up the stairs as well. She walks along furniture, and is slowly learning to move from one area to the other by reaching out and grabbing the nearest item. She has 1 visible tooth, and is working on a couple more. Solids? Well, that eating is on the slow side. She’ll have a few bites of her rice cereal (yes, we’re still on rice cereal) and then she quits.

Jamayia’s turning 3 on Saturday. Yes, three, as in years old. I can’t believe that it was only 3 short years ago that I was first pregnant and anticipating her arrival. **sigh** Wow. She’s talking away. Her feet & body seem to only know one speed–run! She loves to help me. Her sleeping, on the other hand, has become outrageous. If she naps, then she’ll keep trying to escape her bed come bed time. And most times, in the middle of the night, she’ll find her way into our bed and get comfy and sleep. But lately, the worst has been waking up at like 7 ish AM. I don’t like waking up at that hour, but I have to get up with her, since she can’t tend to herself yet. Maybe we’ll work on that now that she’ll be three…

My 6th wedding anniversary is on Monday. I can’t believe it’s been 6 years. I remember that day with a big smile on my face. What’s more is that other people still remember my wedding & reminisce about it. Usually at other weddings, though, comparing the slackness to our pleasantly memorable event.

Well, there’s so much more, but so little energy left. I need to post more about wading pools & bicycles, among other things.

And pictures; must add more pictures!

It’s High Time For An Update

…so here’s some random spillage. And in no particular order:

One: I did indeed manage to exercise on Monday. I got a new DVD so it’s time to kick (or better yet, walk) it into gear. Hopefully I can carve out some sort of routine for myself. It’s the kids that need to learn to cooperate with me.

Two: I’m on Twitter. Check out the side bar and you’ll see updates on my tweets. Why? Not so much because I’m big into society’s latest trends. It’s moreso because I’m looking for a challenge for myself…a healthy challenge. I’ve been on the blogging slump, which is my own fault. So I’m leaping at the chance here that random twittering will encourage more frequent and just as random blogging.

Three: I’m twenty-nine years old. Yes, 29. My birthday was last Monday. Sorta had a low-key day. I’m not worried about turning thirty however. I am moreso concerned right now about not having a dull day next year…LOL. And presents. Why not be honest. I do like presents. They don’t have to be big or costly. Just something cool to show that someone thought about me So, I’m very open to suggestions on how to celebrate. I only have one idea so far: A birth month celebration, where I do something on each day in June.

Four: Kids are good. Jamayia’s turning three in July. Jhyelle will be nine months old next week. Where on earth does the time go?? I’m watching them grow up a little too quickly.

Five: Jamayia has speech concerns. She’s doing well, and she does talk. “They” are just worried that she’s a wee bit behind where she should be, according to textbook standards. And when you answer “their” questions, you can understand that she is kinda sorta behind. I really hope that it’s nothing major. She’s also being referred to the child development clinic, to check her for other issues. It was an option presented to us at her speech assessment. Why not take advantage of all the opportunities. Anything to help us raise her as best we can. After all, worst case scenario–she’s got a developmental issue of some kind. Best case scenario–she’s just stubborn and refusing to use her language.

Six: We need a new car. Did I mention that before? I’m pretty sure I did. But, it’s getting to the point that our car now functions best when it’s warmed up first. LOL. Yes, the engine needs to run for a few minutes before it’s ready to be moved. **sigh** New car is definitely not in the budget. So, this one will have to hold out until my miracle is here. I didn’t even talk about the space issues. Two kids in car seats=no room for extra passengers. Trunk space is also greatly reduced when travelling with double stroller. But I’m still thankful. It sure beats having no car at all.

Alrighty, that’s it for now.

I Haven’t Forgotten About You, Blog

I really haven’t. Just been crazy busy and mad tired. I’m constantly starting posts in my head…and usually in the shower! But you can’t blog from there. Out of all the things to get pushed down the line, it’s the blog.

Lots to update on…

Okay….in that short list, there are a gazillion other things that have been going on as well. I will try my best to make more of a bloggin’ effort here. Blogging is something I enjoy and therefore, should be doing it more frequently.

I’m also looking to change the name of this blog–again!–I know. But it needs to be done. Not that I’m through laughing my way through my life. But the title doesn’t quite fit how I feel. I dunno how I feel, actually. Hmmm…maybe that’s an idea in and of itself? I also wouldn’t mind changing the template too. We’ll see how that goes.

Stay tuned folks.

Hello May!

May…as in the month. So, a quick snapshot of what’s up with us….

Jamayia was sick for a few days, but is obviously quite back to her old self. What it was? Don’t exactly know. She wasn’t completely down & out. She did run a fever, but no tummy issues or head cold. There was wee bit of sniffling & coughing, but nothing stuck out. She was a shade more sedate than usual and had troubles sleeping through the nights she wasn’t her regular self. Thank God she’s doing wayyyy better now. Yippee. Growing like a weed, that girl. Loving life, loving discovery, and just plain loving! Daily, we’re getting more words out of her too.

Jono is mad busy with work, but doing well. He was great, waking up with Jamayia during her sick nights. He’s snoring away right now, though. Can’t blame him–he’s had a long week. Lots of customer demands at work. He’ll get a long weekend in 3 weeks, which will help a bit. Oh, and 2 wks off in June!!

Me is alright. Week 17 of fetal incubation. My tummy’s huge–compared to last time, anyways. Jamayia stayed tucked away so cutely last time. It’s quite obvious to the naked eye that I’m pregnant this time around. I see the Dr tomorrow, so I’ll have more of an update about Dookie then. Things are moving along with the house–yeah. We’re going to pick out some interior design stuff next week. It’d sure be nice to get this house earlier than their estimated date. Work’s going well for me too. A great sales nite today–yippee! Thankfully it slowed down towards the end of my shift. I needed to just take a seat for a moment and breathe.

So, we’re umbrella-folding stroller shopping right now. We’re also trying to figure out what to do for Mother’s Day. I can’t just sit and let Hubby take care of everything. It’s only because I have a Mom who’s deserving of some good Mom’s Day stuff too, so gotta think of something for at least her.

Sleepy time…

Random Scribbles

Today’s post title is borrowed for another blog I read. The following will just be a whole pile of random scribblage. I’m so backlogged in the blogging thing that I don’t even know where to begin. So, I figure let me just spit out whatever pops into my head.

  • New Baby: Things are progressing nicely on this front. We’re currently in week 16. It’s fantastic to have some energy back. This time around, though, things have been tougher physically. With #1, pregnancy seemed to be a breeze. But life was also different for me back then. Now I’m busy keeping up with Jamayia, and she only moves in fast forward mode it seems. One super cool thing (sorta) is that my previous maternity wear doesn’t fit. It’s all too big!! Imagine that. Since proper fit is important (Thanks, Stacy & Clinton), I’ve had to do a bit of shopping for myself. Can’t roll into Cali naked after all. No names yet for this one. She/He has earned the nickname of “Dookie” though. Why? Well, Jamayia was “Pookie” and Jono thought that Dookie would work, since we can’t use Pookie anymore. Isn’t he cute??
  • New House: Things here are slowly plodding ahead. We have an appointment with the design studio in a couple weeks to pick some interior stuff for the house. We also have the “pleasure” of going appliance & furniture shopping. I wish we also had the pleasure of an unlimited bank account too, right now! But alas, we’ll take things one day at a time and try not to get carried away.
  • Current Work: Life at the Baby Bin Boutique is going good. I’m having fun. Lots of fantastic product in store right now too. There are big plans ahead for BBB. Stay tuned to the website for more details.
  • Future Work: **sigh** This point, I don’t know too much about. My mom has generously offered to retire and help take care of the kids. Believe it or not, she is old enough to retire. She’s been working at her place for 35 yrs (yikes!!!) and she’s earned some much needed R&R. Although, caring for 2 kids full time isn’t exactly what I’d call R&R…LOL. Mom’s big concern is that we have the necessary finance to not be struggling. It’s not so much that she’s trying to force me back into the workforce, but she just wants us to be comfortable. She also wants to ensure that I have time out for myself and doing something that I’d enjoy. But, this is where I’m stuck. What do I enjoy doing?? I’d really love to work from home. I’d love to have flexibility to choose my own hours from week to week. I have no deep, dark desire to see my little creation grow into some massive international conglomerate with me as CEO. Back to the most important question though–what do I enjoy doing?? I don’t really have an answer right now. I’ll have to keep thinking and praying about it.

And in a large nutshell, that’s what’s up over here. Still laughing at how life is turning out. I’m just glad I’m not the One in control of all this. I’m quite content to be buckled in for the ride.

No, I Didn’t Quit Laughing…

I’m still chuckling away over here. Funny how I rename my blog, and then take a long pausing post. Coincidentally, the NaBloPoMo peeps are running this contest 12 months a year now, with November still being their main month. I’ll probably attempt it from the sidelines, without officially signing up. I know that there’s no way I can keep up…for real.

So, the car was still kinda acting up. Turns out there was a good reason–we needed a new battery. Last Saturday morning, we went to start the car and nothing happened. So, Jono got all bundled up and went outside to manually start it…it was deader than dead. CAA came by twice in about 30 minutes. The first time, the boosted it and told us to keep it running for a good 30 minutes. No prob. Jono presses the command start button (so that we can remove the key from the ignition and prevent auto theft) and the thing dies!! The second time, the guy mentioned that command start takes more energy than the manual start. We let it run for a good while, then piled in to head to church. We backed out of our spot beside the garage, and managed to pull in front of the garage (to straighten out enought to drive off) and the car died again, right there!!! This time, we borrowed the sisters ailing car to boost ours. Long story short, my bro came and got Jamayia & I for church. And Jono never did make it. My mom picked him up after church for lunch. The long weekend was spent going back and forth to Part Source. The sillyness finally ended Tuesday when they gave Jono a new battery (praise the Lord for warranty!!!) and we’ve been cruising ever since.

What else–I’ve been enjoying my “working” life at the Baby Bin Boutique. I meet all kinds of people. It’s been fun to scope out all types of nifty baby gadgets and items. Anyone looking for unique gifts, head on my way. I work a lovely 8 hrs a week–perfect since I don’t have any other childcare. My bro was helping, but he just got himself a job, so that’s out of the picture now. Oh well…congrats though, Bro!

What else?? We’re heading down to Cali (yes, again…**laughs mischieviously**). My sister graduates in June, so time to go and support again. Oh, Ontario Mills Mall, we shall reunite!!! And Jamayia still flies free :-) Big, big grins.

Of course, with the icky airlines stroller/luggage rules, I’ll need to be purchasing an umbrella stroller now too. Any suggestions??

Well, sleepy time. Thanks, to my loyal reader fan, who actually misses it when I don’t post regularly. Word on the street is that we have something in common 😉

Nighty nite!