Where Does The Time Go?

Sometimes, I wish I had an answer for that question. But alas, here we are. What’s new in our household?

Jhyelle’s busy motoring around like nobody’s business! She crawls quite quickly, and can get up the stairs as well. She walks along furniture, and is slowly learning to move from one area to the other by reaching out and grabbing the nearest item. She has 1 visible tooth, and is working on a couple more. Solids? Well, that eating is on the slow side. She’ll have a few bites of her rice cereal (yes, we’re still on rice cereal) and then she quits.

Jamayia’s turning 3 on Saturday. Yes, three, as in years old. I can’t believe that it was only 3 short years ago that I was first pregnant and anticipating her arrival. **sigh** Wow. She’s talking away. Her feet & body seem to only know one speed–run! She loves to help me. Her sleeping, on the other hand, has become outrageous. If she naps, then she’ll keep trying to escape her bed come bed time. And most times, in the middle of the night, she’ll find her way into our bed and get comfy and sleep. But lately, the worst has been waking up at like 7 ish AM. I don’t like waking up at that hour, but I have to get up with her, since she can’t tend to herself yet. Maybe we’ll work on that now that she’ll be three…

My 6th wedding anniversary is on Monday. I can’t believe it’s been 6 years. I remember that day with a big smile on my face. What’s more is that other people still remember my wedding & reminisce about it. Usually at other weddings, though, comparing the slackness to our pleasantly memorable event.

Well, there’s so much more, but so little energy left. I need to post more about wading pools & bicycles, among other things.

And pictures; must add more pictures!