The New {Little} Guy

**wipes off dust**

May I introduce you to the newest little gentleman in my life?

Newly born

…Zakhari Vance Rowe
…Tuesday, December 31, 2013…
…2:54 a.m. …
…7 pounds, 13 ounces…
…21 inches long…
…Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous…

After three girls, there is finally another male in the house.  We’re adjusting well, and remembering to refer to the baby as ‘him’ and ‘brother’ (…most of the time).  His big sisters adore him to pieces and are constantly looking to cuddle and kiss him.

Zakhari’s arrival, among a few other things, put the blog on a mini-vacation for a while.  Life is slowly getting back to normal on all fronts.  I hope to share his birth story soon.

First outing at 2 weeks old.
Hello world :)

We’ve Picked Names

Hubby & I were chatting two nights ago and realized that we didn’t really have names picked out.  We had some ideas jotted down on a master list, which we’ve keep updating since 2006, but hadn’t really settled on anything for this baby yet.  Last night, we came together and worked on a boy’s name and a girl’s name (since we don’t yet know the gender).

I’m happy to say that we found one of each that both are fans of.  And there’s still no baby to attach the moniker too.  
I’m not trying to rush the child.  I’m not exactly looking forward to the delivery portion with my arms wide open, eager to embrace the childbirth experience.  C’mon now–it hurts!!!  
Within the next couple weeks, I’m sure, you’ll be hearing what our baby’s name is.

NICU Photo Recap (Days 12-15)

Day 12: Sleeping peacefully. Still not quite ready to come off the nasal prongs completely.

Day 13: Bye bye nasal prongs. Finally!!

Day 14: Doing so well, that she’s ready for her car seat test. She tested and passed during the night shift.

Day 15: I’m outta here! Jhyelle was finally released on Oct 22, two weeks after her birth.

Despite the look, she’s really good in the car.

Birth Story

Well, this sure was an interesting birth. Quite different than the first one, let me tell you.

On Monday, Oct 6, I had a Dr’s appointment. She checked me, and I was only 1 cm dilated, but she “stretched” me to 2 cm. She did mention that I may experience some spotting & cramping later on because of this. Monday night, I did indeed feel pain during my contractions (I’d been having painless Braxton-Hicks for weeks already), so I thought it was nothing major. They were sporadic, and usually hurt less if I shifted my seating position.

Tuesday morning, Oct 7, I awoke quite early in pain. Must’ve been around 5:30 am or so. I was awake before Jonathon’s alarm went off. These cramps were hurting & coming regularly. But again, I was sorta in denial. I made myself a cup of tea (yummy!) and chilled on the computer for a bit. I was also praying like mad because I had a hair appointment that day. And well, you don’t really mess with a black woman and her hair appointments–even for labour! Finally, the pain stopped after 8 am, and I was able to catch a nice nap. All throughout the day, however, I did have contractions, sporadically, but nothing to really catch my attention. Tuesday night, I again had some painful contractions, but didn’t think much of it either.

Yeah, I think my forehead must say “denial” on it.

Early Wednesday morning, Oct 8 (due date), I awoke in pain again. It was about 3:30 am, and the pain was the same as Tuesday’s. Except that this time, they weren’t going away. And I actually decided to look at a clock and time them. They were coming regularly, about every 5-6 mins or so. They didn’t last too long, but they hurt like crazy!!! I was still somewhat in denial, until about 5 am. I realized that this pains weren’t looking like stopping at all. So, I started to toss the final items in my hospital bag and wake up the Hunny. They were getting closer together, but not lasting for too long. In the car, they were coming probably every 2-3 minutes.

We arrived at the hospital about 7 am. I went up to triage to finish some basic registration items and sign some forms. I get into a bed, and hang out for a little bit. Of course my Dr was just coming off her 24 hrs on call, so she wasn’t going to be there for this birth. I was also change of shift time by now (7:30 am) so the nurse going home didn’t want to bother checking me (only because her measurements may vary with another nurses’ check).

I really didn’t want to take morphine again, it made me horrendously loopy last time. They can’t do epidurals in triage, you have to be in an actual labour room first. When I was finally checked, around 8 am or so, the nurse announced the magic number as “six”. Umm, what??? I was completely stunned. She ran to find me a bed. Praise God–I got the last private room available. I was checked again, 7 cm. This was not going well at all. Of course, as soon as I got to my room, I was begging for the anesthetist. I was told he was on the ward, and I was #2 in line. They gave me nitrous oxide gas in the mean time. It didn’t help, really, only made me loopy. I was checked again–8 cm. This was not good at all. I was progressing too quickly for the epidural. Those were not words I wanted to hear. I was in so much pain and so uncomfortable. I was totally ready to just beat someone down by this point. The only reason why they claim there’d be no time for the epidural is that it wouldn’t have time to take effect properly. By this point, however, I really couldn’t care. I just wanted any drug that would help me. They teased me with the offering of Fentanyl. But really, don’t bother talking to me about this things unless they’re actually in your pocket, ready to inject into my system. Checked again, 9 cm. Another few contractions, I was at 10 cm.

Do you have any idea how not impressed I was??!! While I didn’t make any detailed birth plan, I did have one teeny, tiny necessity–the epidural. By this time, I had no choice but to start pushing if I wanted to get this baby out. I did truly consider just not doing anything until I got some kind of painkiller.

Well, I pushed a little bit, and Jhyelle came out. When her head was out, the Dr and nurses kept asking if I wanted to feel her head for encouragement. No thanks! Not that I didn’t want to touch her head. It was more of a cleanliness factor for me. I knew I wouldn’t be able to get near a sink to wash my hands in the next few minutes, so I really didn’t want to touch more than I needed too. Besides, I wasn’t discouraged. Ticked off for being in pain, but I didn’t need any extra inspiration to give birth. This baby was massive, by the way. I heard my mom say it was a girl, and I was relieved. Everyone around me was counting on a boy, so HA HA!!

I also tore this time too. Another disadvantage of no epiduaral is that you feel every needle prick as the Dr is trying to freeze the area to stitch you up. Thankfully, I didn’t not feel the sewing procedure.

In the meantime, Jhyelle was having her own drama. That story belongs in another post.

Hmmm…I Think We’re Rolling Along

I had a rough sleep last nite. Woke up in pain everytime I had to pee. Then, realized early this morning that I was just getting more & more uncomfy. Then realized that perhaps, the pains were actually contractions and not just discomfort in my belly. If this is the case, then I’ve truly been contracting since last nite sometime, and this labour looks to be a long one once again.

As long as I get to meet the Epidural man (or woman…last time it was a man), I’ll be all good.

Stay tuned, folks…

Still Incubating…

Welcome to week 39 and day 3 of pregnancy. I’m still here, in incubation mode, which is fine by me. I’m in no rush to hurry this little one out. I wouldn’t mind the physical part of pregnancy being over, but yet I’m totally cool being a mom of 1 still.

I’m feeling ginormous. In reality, though, I’m just carrying differently. I’ll have to go back and do a side by side comparison of the two bellies. At my last dr’s appt on Tuesday, I was measuring 39 cm, which is pretty much on target, because my flip day was Wednesday.

The baby’s head has been in the down position for weeks now, causing some discomfort being my bladder, my brain & me. When standing, you can sometimes have the urge to pee. But then you sit, and the sensation changes. Yet, as soon as you stand again, the overwhelming urge comes back. Makes for lots of great laughs, that’s for sure.

We’re still working at a girl’s name. Last time, I had some late divine inspiration for Jamayia’s name. I’m still seeking inspiration this time around. I have yet to finish packing my hospital bag. There are a few items in it, and I’ve gathered together my toiletry-type items. The packing list itself has been made for a few weeks, so it’s ready for me. The baby’s bag is all packed & ready to go. Jamayia’s bag also needs to be packed, because she’ll be bunking with Grandma & Grandpa while I’m in the hospital.

So, does Jamayia get what’s happening? That’s a very popular question among folks. My response is usually the same–we’ll see what happens once Dookie arrives. She knows that there’s something we call “Dookie” in my tummy. She hugs & kisses & rubs my tummy without prompting. As to whether she realizes that this Dookie is a real, live human being coming to share her world and her Mommy & Daddy? That remains to be seen. It’s not like she can express herself like that just yet. And I’m not going to stress about it either.

Well, it’s high time for this Momma to get some rest. More upates soon…

Random Scribbles

Today’s post title is borrowed for another blog I read. The following will just be a whole pile of random scribblage. I’m so backlogged in the blogging thing that I don’t even know where to begin. So, I figure let me just spit out whatever pops into my head.

  • New Baby: Things are progressing nicely on this front. We’re currently in week 16. It’s fantastic to have some energy back. This time around, though, things have been tougher physically. With #1, pregnancy seemed to be a breeze. But life was also different for me back then. Now I’m busy keeping up with Jamayia, and she only moves in fast forward mode it seems. One super cool thing (sorta) is that my previous maternity wear doesn’t fit. It’s all too big!! Imagine that. Since proper fit is important (Thanks, Stacy & Clinton), I’ve had to do a bit of shopping for myself. Can’t roll into Cali naked after all. No names yet for this one. She/He has earned the nickname of “Dookie” though. Why? Well, Jamayia was “Pookie” and Jono thought that Dookie would work, since we can’t use Pookie anymore. Isn’t he cute??
  • New House: Things here are slowly plodding ahead. We have an appointment with the design studio in a couple weeks to pick some interior stuff for the house. We also have the “pleasure” of going appliance & furniture shopping. I wish we also had the pleasure of an unlimited bank account too, right now! But alas, we’ll take things one day at a time and try not to get carried away.
  • Current Work: Life at the Baby Bin Boutique is going good. I’m having fun. Lots of fantastic product in store right now too. There are big plans ahead for BBB. Stay tuned to the website for more details.
  • Future Work: **sigh** This point, I don’t know too much about. My mom has generously offered to retire and help take care of the kids. Believe it or not, she is old enough to retire. She’s been working at her place for 35 yrs (yikes!!!) and she’s earned some much needed R&R. Although, caring for 2 kids full time isn’t exactly what I’d call R&R…LOL. Mom’s big concern is that we have the necessary finance to not be struggling. It’s not so much that she’s trying to force me back into the workforce, but she just wants us to be comfortable. She also wants to ensure that I have time out for myself and doing something that I’d enjoy. But, this is where I’m stuck. What do I enjoy doing?? I’d really love to work from home. I’d love to have flexibility to choose my own hours from week to week. I have no deep, dark desire to see my little creation grow into some massive international conglomerate with me as CEO. Back to the most important question though–what do I enjoy doing?? I don’t really have an answer right now. I’ll have to keep thinking and praying about it.

And in a large nutshell, that’s what’s up over here. Still laughing at how life is turning out. I’m just glad I’m not the One in control of all this. I’m quite content to be buckled in for the ride.

Adventures in Babysitting

I did something I hadn’t done in years.

I babysat. Big deal, you say–lots of people babysit. Babysitting is no issue with me. However, it becomes a whole new experience when you have your own 11 mth old child to take care of and a newborn. Add to the fact that my dear daughter isn’t used to sharing Mommy with a needy infant and we get fun times at Sabrina’s expense.

So, my cousin needed to run out for a necessity. Who to call but me, the cousin who keeps saying “holla if you need anything”. She holla’d alright. I arrived on time. She told me how to mix the formula (yes, my girl has never had a drop of formula) and I was armed with celly numbers. She’d just fed the baby, and he should stay sleeping for the next couple hours. Besides, she was only running to Wal-Mart for something. Wal-Mart is about 7 minutes away from her house.

Reality was that she was gone longer than expected. And baby actually woke up. Like any newborn, they only awake to eat. So, I got the bottle ready and took my girl up to see him. Then came my dilemma. I needed to cuddle the baby and feed him, and still needed and extra 2 arms to take care of my own child. Uhhhhhh…. Uhhhhhhh… Good thing I pray for strength. I picked up baby and fed him first. Then mine decided it was a good time to try and grab his socks and then the bottle from his mouth. I kept her off him and managed to keep his meal uninterrupted. All in all, it ended well. His mommy came home just as he finished the bottle.

Props to the moms with 2+ kids. I know it’ll get easier. Once Jamayia’s used to her cousin, taking care of both should be a breeze. This adventure though made me seriously consider the timeline/age gap that I should have between children. Don’t worry, that 5 minutes of juggling wasn’t enough to scare me off of expanding my family.

And my original offer still stands. Holla if you need me, Cousin.