Dancing From Dominoes

We have a set of double nine Dominoes, as part of our math manipulatives set.  The other day, Jamayiawas lining them all up in some creative design, with the intent of knocking one over and watching the chain reaction.  I offered to teach her how to play.  She was eager to learn.

I separated the domino set, removing everything higher than double six.  We picked out seven tiles each, and I began teaching her the basics.  She caught on quite quickly, and her enthusiasm seemed to double.  She knew that she had to watch the game area for the numbers at both ends and match them up with the tiles from her hand.  If needed, she could pick up tiles from the extra pile.

Later that evening, we played again, as a family.  Incredibly, this girl managed to find even more exuberance for the game.  She remembered how to play and was having a blast. So much fun, that each time she lay down a tile, she stood up to dance and cheer.  Hard.  Jhyelle started copying her too.  So now we had two princesses, dancing and cheering their hearts out after every turn. 

It was adorable.  Loud, yet neat to see their excitement and their passion for learning and celebrating even in a simple moment.  While I was trying to get through a few rounds of the game, my older girls were relishing the game.

The thoughts started coming to my mind.  When did I stop enjoying the learning process?  At what age did I figure out that all inner joy must be restrained and contained, kept only to myself?  And why?  Not all situations call for such displays of excitement, of course.  Discretion must be used.  But by myself, in my home, where I have free reign to do whatever, should I not freely celebrate life?

Thanks, Jamayia, for teaching Mommy in this moment.  Thanks for reminding me that there’s fun awaiting in every nook and cranny of our home.

Sick Day For My Student

My young student is sick.  One of the perks of homeschooling is that it’s flexible enough to allow for sick days without the major headache of disruption. 

Thankfully, she’s not bedridden today; it’s only a touch of a cold.  Yet, it’s just enough to annoy her should she need to sit still and concentrate.  However, we can stick with some lighter tasks today.  I’ll sit with her and we’ll read some books together.  We’ll pop in a couple sign language videos and have some fun learning that way.  This is also a great time to reinforce some basic hygiene too.

There is always opportunity for learning.  It’s a matter of keeping your eyes open and using all these moments to your advantage.

The Bad Sort of "Eureka" Moment

Once upon a time, about four years ago, Jamayia showed an allergic reaction during her first attempt at solid food.  She was tested by an allergy specialist and was found to have an allergy to cow’s milk.  I also had her tested for nuts, which was negative.

Fast forward to this last Saturday.  We’re sitting around the dinner table with my parents & bro, here at home.  Jamayia stops eating, saying that her throat was scratchy.  Then her tummy started to hurt.  She also got really quiet and kinda tired.  Daddy ran to the store for some anti-histamine and we gave her a dose.

About five minutes later, she threw up.  Once, but it was big enough.  She instantly felt better.  Her body felt the need to expel the offending food.  Her normal mood started to return and she perked up a bit more.  We encouraged her to just lie on the couch and rest.  She even asked for a couple of strawberries, which she ate.

Then, about 10 minutes later, she started to get itchy.  Very itchy.  And scratching everywhere like crazy.  Sure enough–hives!  These things were all over her entire body.  Literally, she was covered from head to toe and everywhere in between.  Eyelids, back of neck, underarms, torso, etc.  She refused to take more anti-histamine though.  My mom was worrying.  We were watching her breathing, which stayed normal throughout the entire episode.  But when we saw the hives, my mom was thinking that a trip to the ER was in order.  We just didn’t want her airways to the be the next factor in the reaction.

After a quick dip in the tub, to attempt dampening the itchiness (didn’t work!), she went off to the Children’s ER with Daddy & Uncle.  She got in to see a doctor nearly immediately, where she was given a liquid dose of a 24-hr anti-histamine.  Jamayia started to feel better almost instantly. They still went to Walmart for an oatmeal bath concoction.  By the time they returned home, the hives were all gone along with the itchiness. 

The only thing foreign in this roast was raw cashews.  Needless to say that I’ve added that to the list of things that the allergist needs to test her for.  Thankfully, her airway never closed up.  That was the one thing that my mom & I were watching her closely for.  And while she’s disappointed at hearing me say that we’re going to lay off the peanut butter for a few weeks, she remembers full well how she felt while she was sick.  She’s going to continue to modify her diet.

All was back to normal at our house by the evening.  We see the allergist next week.  Stay turns to the allergy saga…

Coming Right Up

Our homeschooling adventure has begun.  School reconvened last Wednesday, in my local area.  Of course, Jamayia had had a super late night on Tuesday and chose Wednesday to sleep in.  So, homeschool started for her last Thursday, at a light pace.  Things seem to have gone pretty well.  She’s ahead of where I thought we’d be, which sounds good to me.

This week, the pace increases.  She looks forward to her “schooling” as she calls if, often asking me to teach her more things.  She has given me a new name: “Teacher Mom”, which she uses during our lesson time.  We’re currently working on phonics and math.  We also do some Bible time each day, and do some singing.  This week, I’m planning to add science into the mix. 

I’m planning to do a post about our curriculum in the very near future.  This is a neat age to be homeschooling–there seems to be a gazillion free resources out there.  My immediate need, however, is for a printer and a new computer.  In the meantime, I do have some printer options for me, as I await the equipment. I’m looking forward to this school year.

Someone is Five Years Old Today!!

Ahhh.  My Jamayia Tychelle is five years old.  5.  F-i-v-e.

I can’t believe how quickly these last five years have just flown by.  We’ve learned a lot.  We’ve laughed a lot and loved even more.  She’s cried a bit; I haven’t…yet.  Best of all, we’ve both grown.

My girl is tall and thin.  She has long, thick hair that’s challenging to comb but looks great when styled and can hold a style well.  She’s a talker & a thinker.  She’s a creator.  Loves art, loves to draw, paint, colour, imagine.  She’s always coming up with bright ideas for anything, proclaiming “I think that it’s a good idea, Mom!”.  She loves to sing and dance, and can often be found bopping away to nearly any beat.

She’s bubbly and fun.  Full of energy & enthusiasm.  Full of passion and stubbornness.  Hugs & daps her newest craze.  Forget the kisses.  Jamayia loves to dress up, as often as I’d allow.  Right now, “pink is my favourite colour”.  If she could wear a church dress everyday, she surely would.  She loves to play outside, always looking to go for walks.

Jamayia is a fantastic big sister!  She loves Jhyelle & Rishayla so openly and freely.   She’s always thinking of ways that she could help them learn.  Ways to show them love. 

To watch her young mind expand with academic possibilities is amazing.  She’s known her alphabet & numbers for a while now.  She can write them both quite well, and will often ask for help with spelling and she jots things down.  She’s in the process of learning to read.  This will be the next stepping stone on her life’s path.

I’m thrilled that she has a love for God.  She loves her Kindergarten class at church and is grasping concepts from her lessons.  She enjoys reading the Bible and singing her songs.  I think one of her dreams is to sing in church, for the worship service.

My life would not be the same if Jamayia wasn’t a part of it.

I love you, Jamayia Tychelle!

Wanted: New Pad For Change Table

As our potty training progresses, we’ve come to an interesting need:  we need a new pad for our change table.  What happened to our old one?  Well, it was slowly tearing apart.  But then yesterday, we had a lovely potty fail and well, it went straight in the garbage after that. 

What had happened was…  Yesterday morning, we went to change out of pjs and into clothes.  Jamayia undressed herself, and was holding her pull-up in her hand.  (She fully knows how to put it on too!).  So, I thought she’d just dress herself when ready.  As I’m in the hallway, gathering dirty laundry, I hear the sound of liquid splatting.  I run back to the room, as she looks as me and tells me “Mommy, I have to go potty”. 

I try hard not to yell or flip out.  All the potty training suggestments are clear on this–do not make the child feel like a failure when there are accidents.  Lucky for her, I succeeded, even though I was disturbed at now having to sanitize everything that had been touch by urine.  I cleaned her up, put on the pull-up and explained, yet again, that we go pee in the green potty or toilet.  Not in our clothes, not in our pants, and not on the change table.

I’m happy to report that we’ve had much better success today.  2 hits in the potty and no fails!!! 

Once at home training is down, we can work on our outside of home training.

Anyone know where to get a good change pad cheap at a low price point?


I enlisted to do something that I haven’t done probably in years–volunteer.  The last time I remember volunteering on a consistent basis was back when I was 11 & 12 years old.  I spent those two summers volunteering at the nursing home where my parents work.  While I have volunteered my time for other short term (very short term) efforts, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve done something long-term.

Until now.  I’ll be spending some time on Tuesday mornings at my church’s affiliated school.  (Did that sentence even make sense??).  I’m supposed to be reading to the junior kindergarten/kindergarten class.  This would be neat because it will help to expose Jamayia to the school setting, and get her playing with other kids.  They a couple years older than her (most of them are 4 years old, a couple are 5 years old). 

This is also a great way to evaluate the school for myself.  Jamayia will be entering kindergarten in two years, and we need to figure out just where she’s going to attend and why.  I’m very grateful for this chance to scope it out before she’s on the doorstep of kindergarten.  No pressure this way.

"I Love You, Mommy!"

I enjoy hearing those words. And usually, Jamayia saves them for cute and/or cuddly moments. But yesterday definitely took the cake.

She had a dirty diaper, and wanted to test out her potty-using skills. As I was cleaning her up afterwards, she looked at me, all giggly and says:

“I love you, Mommy!”


Stinkyness and all, I love her too!

Hello October

Yes, I realize that we’re 4 days into the month already, but that’s already. Hello October. I’m now starting to appreciate this month even more. My baby turns 1 year old on Thursday–ack!! I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since her birth (and subsequent drama). Now to figure out how exactly to plan a little party for her.

For Jamayia, on her actual birthday date, I’d just invited her grandparents & her aunties over for cake & a quick savoury snack after work, as it was during the week. Then on the weekend, we had a larger family party, which my mom was gracious enough to share with her (their birthdays are 2 days apart). Nothing big was needed–she was only turning one. No need to go over the top to create an event that would’ve been bigger than her.

But for Jhyelle, we have a slight dilemma. Her birthday’s this Thursday (the 8th). Then Thanksgiving dinner is on Sunday (the 11th). I could do a little something after church on the 10th, but it’d be some of the same people from Sunday, and people are already pouring their efforts into that. I could wait until the following weekend, but I think that there are plans in the works as well. Hmmm…I’ll figure something out.

This month also brings in some visitors and lots of busyness. Nippy winds too, but we’ll just bundle up good. Oh, and my mom’s new pumpkin dessert. She tried it last year, instead of her traditional (and so very scrumptious pie) and it was a hit! So, bye bye pie, hello new dessert.

Must run…mouth is watering already…

Battle: Sleep

So, the battle continues. However, I’m happy to report that it’s slowly ebbing out.

The past couple weeks, Jamayia has succumbed to nap time pretty easily. Thank God, because that’s the time Jhyelle usually wakes up, and well, it’s hard to stay on top of the battle with a toddler while breastfeeding an infant.

The evenings have been slightly more challenging. I wish I could tell you why. At least it doesn’t take the two (yes, 2) hours it used to take to get her to stay in her bed. On the roughest nights, she may fight for about 30 minutes. On a mild night, she may come out of her room once. But slowly, she’s working at staying in her bed when we put her in it.
