Hello October

Yes, I realize that we’re 4 days into the month already, but that’s already. Hello October. I’m now starting to appreciate this month even more. My baby turns 1 year old on Thursday–ack!! I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since her birth (and subsequent drama). Now to figure out how exactly to plan a little party for her.

For Jamayia, on her actual birthday date, I’d just invited her grandparents & her aunties over for cake & a quick savoury snack after work, as it was during the week. Then on the weekend, we had a larger family party, which my mom was gracious enough to share with her (their birthdays are 2 days apart). Nothing big was needed–she was only turning one. No need to go over the top to create an event that would’ve been bigger than her.

But for Jhyelle, we have a slight dilemma. Her birthday’s this Thursday (the 8th). Then Thanksgiving dinner is on Sunday (the 11th). I could do a little something after church on the 10th, but it’d be some of the same people from Sunday, and people are already pouring their efforts into that. I could wait until the following weekend, but I think that there are plans in the works as well. Hmmm…I’ll figure something out.

This month also brings in some visitors and lots of busyness. Nippy winds too, but we’ll just bundle up good. Oh, and my mom’s new pumpkin dessert. She tried it last year, instead of her traditional (and so very scrumptious pie) and it was a hit! So, bye bye pie, hello new dessert.

Must run…mouth is watering already…