Someone is Five Years Old Today!!

Ahhh.  My Jamayia Tychelle is five years old.  5.  F-i-v-e.

I can’t believe how quickly these last five years have just flown by.  We’ve learned a lot.  We’ve laughed a lot and loved even more.  She’s cried a bit; I haven’t…yet.  Best of all, we’ve both grown.

My girl is tall and thin.  She has long, thick hair that’s challenging to comb but looks great when styled and can hold a style well.  She’s a talker & a thinker.  She’s a creator.  Loves art, loves to draw, paint, colour, imagine.  She’s always coming up with bright ideas for anything, proclaiming “I think that it’s a good idea, Mom!”.  She loves to sing and dance, and can often be found bopping away to nearly any beat.

She’s bubbly and fun.  Full of energy & enthusiasm.  Full of passion and stubbornness.  Hugs & daps her newest craze.  Forget the kisses.  Jamayia loves to dress up, as often as I’d allow.  Right now, “pink is my favourite colour”.  If she could wear a church dress everyday, she surely would.  She loves to play outside, always looking to go for walks.

Jamayia is a fantastic big sister!  She loves Jhyelle & Rishayla so openly and freely.   She’s always thinking of ways that she could help them learn.  Ways to show them love. 

To watch her young mind expand with academic possibilities is amazing.  She’s known her alphabet & numbers for a while now.  She can write them both quite well, and will often ask for help with spelling and she jots things down.  She’s in the process of learning to read.  This will be the next stepping stone on her life’s path.

I’m thrilled that she has a love for God.  She loves her Kindergarten class at church and is grasping concepts from her lessons.  She enjoys reading the Bible and singing her songs.  I think one of her dreams is to sing in church, for the worship service.

My life would not be the same if Jamayia wasn’t a part of it.

I love you, Jamayia Tychelle!