My Phone Get Used For More Than Talking

I was wracking my brain because I knew I needed to post something, but couldn’t think of what.  Then, as I published the post below, I remembered that today is Thankful Tuesday.

I’m thankful for my iPhone.  Not because it often gets used for conversational purposes (the thing rarely rings!) but because of it’s other uses.  The video function on the iPod portion is a lifesaver for my Toddler as we sit in a waiting room.  She is entertained and sits quietly.  I’ve also got some educational, kid-friendly apps, so that they can learn too, not just be entertained.

I’ve figured out how to transfer library-borrowed ebooks to the phone as well.  It’s a very compact and portable bookcase.  There’s a camera & video camera that allow me to capture cuteness and email or text it to adoring relatives.  I’ve got an awesome Bible on there, with numerous translations in many languages.  The Bible app also contains devotional plans and reading plans.  And, of course, games.

Drama aside (BlackBerry vs Android vs iPhone), this gadget has definitely come in handy and is very useful.

I haven’t yet found a blogging app though.  Suggestions are welcome :-)