Opportunities Ahead

I like writing.  A lot.  I also enjoy reading, and the library has surely seen a drastic increase in my activity there.  In fact, the last time I was at the library, as I was walking up to the counter to check out a couple books, the librarian grabbed my holds from the shelf.  This was before she’d even accessed my file on the computer! 

Over the last few weeks, since I’ve made a personal recommitment to write more and more often, I’ve seen neat things happen.  I got myself listed as a blogger on the Homeschool Horizons website.  They’re set to relaunch the magazine this fall, and I’ve inquired about their writing guidelines.  I’ve increased my blog activity and am enjoying the healthy challenge.  I’ve helped a friend with her résumé, cover letter and various emails.  My sisters-in-law have approached me to write a story for them as they enter a contest. 

To see all these new opportunities is exciting.  One step at a time. 

PS:  This blog is in serious need of a photo update of the kidlets.  Soon to come.