My Phone Get Used For More Than Talking

I was wracking my brain because I knew I needed to post something, but couldn’t think of what.  Then, as I published the post below, I remembered that today is Thankful Tuesday.

I’m thankful for my iPhone.  Not because it often gets used for conversational purposes (the thing rarely rings!) but because of it’s other uses.  The video function on the iPod portion is a lifesaver for my Toddler as we sit in a waiting room.  She is entertained and sits quietly.  I’ve also got some educational, kid-friendly apps, so that they can learn too, not just be entertained.

I’ve figured out how to transfer library-borrowed ebooks to the phone as well.  It’s a very compact and portable bookcase.  There’s a camera & video camera that allow me to capture cuteness and email or text it to adoring relatives.  I’ve got an awesome Bible on there, with numerous translations in many languages.  The Bible app also contains devotional plans and reading plans.  And, of course, games.

Drama aside (BlackBerry vs Android vs iPhone), this gadget has definitely come in handy and is very useful.

I haven’t yet found a blogging app though.  Suggestions are welcome :-)

"They" Say To Write Down Your Goals In Order To Achieve Them

So I did, all in hopes of increasing my blogging frequency.  I even posted the aforementioned list.  The last few days have been full of blogging prompts and ideas, but the time has been missing.  Or when I finally do have a few moments, I’m trying to shower before collapsing into dreamland.
But, it’s Tuesday.  I’m thankful for the encouraging readers who have left comments on my blog.  I won’t lie—your kind words have given both my heart & my head a gentle boost.  While I don’t blog with the intent of impressing anyone, it is still encouraging to know that my words are making enough of an impact for you to tell me so.
I’m also thankful for all the new readers.  I hope that what you read on this blog leaves you with a positive impression.
Thank you, thank you, and thank you.
PS:  Dare I say that I hope to visit the blogs of all my kind comment people and at least say hello?  Well, it’s written down now, so that’s a new goal for the next couple of days.  

Hooray For Helpful Friends

Well, I did want to label this blogging day as a “thankful Tuesday”.  Here we go…

I’m thankful for my friend, P.  She’s always so willing to help me out whenever she can and she loves my girls.  In fact today, we had an appointment with a specialist and P offered to help me out.  She left work early, came and sat in a waiting room with my two youngest while Jono & I were in with Jamayia.  How cool is that!

I’m also thankful for Jamayia’s progress.  We saw the child development pediatrician, as a follow up to a consultation a couple of years before.  She said that Jamayia has come a long way, and she’s not too worried about her growth or progress anymore.  This whole situation is drama in itself and requires a separate post to address it.  In the meantime, I was just praising God during the testing today.  She did quite well!

Hmm, maybe I should keep giving myself a time restraint for writing these posts.  It does help to get some new material posted, at least.