Why Do The Poop Fairies Hate Me???

I don’t believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny. But lately, I’m starting to wonder if there actually is a Poop Fairy??

Yesterday afternoon, while folding Jamayia’s laundry (read: while I was a little busy) there was an oddly familiar scent coming from the Baby. I took a peek at her clothes, but didn’t see any poopiness seeping through. So, I figured I had less than 5 minutes to change the diaper. That’s all I needed to finish the folding.

Well, I dunno what happened in those too short less than 5 minutes. But she’s playing around on the floor and rolling all over the place. As she rolled over, I spotted a wee (emphasis on wee) little dot on the floor.

OH NO! The situation had quickly escalated.

We quickly took bath #1 for the day, and proceeded to act sweetly cute for the remainder of the day…


Sighing aside, when all else fails, you’ve gotta just laugh.

PS—for the record, I did grab any and every carpet-safe disinfectant product I own and cleaned the area throughly. (Lest you should stop coming over because you think the place is unsafe–icky!). It’s clean! And I will never point out where it happened. :-)


…to all my faithful readers. It’s cool to know that the tales I share help add a little ray of sunshine to your respective days.

It’s also a relief that I have readers that actually come back. Of course I find most of these nuggets either hilarious and/or heart warming (or disgusting, yet laughable!). But it’s nice when other people agree too. It’s not just in my head!

Ha ha!!

Is It Wrong To Laugh At Your Baby??

LOL…yes, I’m laughing at her!

I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it. My Sweet Girl woke up after a lovely 3.5 hr (can you hear my happy fireworks going off???? **ahhhhh**) nap yesterday afternoon , and had the cutest case of flat-bed-head. It just made me crack up. She slept on her tummy, with her head turned to the left. So the right side of her afro was just smushed.

Now, if these two shots don’t make you laugh, then you’ve got problems!



Yes, that the sounds of something ripping. Not my pants or any of my clothes. Nah…those actually fit pretty well–what a thought!

Nope. The culprit is elsewhere; it was the sound of Jamayia’s fitted crib sheet. As I was changing her bed sheet this morning, I engaged in the usual battle of Mommy vs. Tight Sheet. Usually, with a lotta brains, and a little brawn, I manage to creatively get the sheet on the mattress. But today, the brawn won out. As I’m working the sheet, I hear material tearing. Not a pleasant sound.

Go figure—just when we decide to dedicate more effort to keeping our household expenses low, something necessary needs to be replaced. What’s more is that it’s the one sheet that came with her bed set. The other sheet that I bought separately couldn’t be the one to tear, right?


Ever Seen A Baby With A Toupée???

So, let me recap a convo I had in the elevator in my building yesterday afternoon.

I get on the elevator, and a visiting (I know this because he had to buzz in) old man got in after me. He’s going up to the sixth floor; me, the seventh. I uncovered my sleeping Jamayia, to make sure she was getting air. Old Man, seeing a baby, needed to take a peek inside her seat.

Old Man: Oh, what a cutie!
Me: Thank you.
Old Man: Wow, look at all that hair!! **he reaches out and touches the hair**
Me: Yep…She’s got a lot.
Old Man: Is it real?
Me (in my head first): What tha business?!! What do you mean is it real? I didn’t know that they made WIGS for babies!!! What kinda ignorance….
Me (outloud): It sure is.
Old Man: Can I have some? **takes off his hat to reveal a mostly bald head with bits of long, white hair in some places** I could use some of that hair.

Then the door opened and he got off.

So, maybe one of my loyal readers can fill me in. Do they really make toupées for babies?

Mission Accomplished!

I’m done my PhysioFit Mom classes! It is a great way to kick off an exercise routine. From here on in, I can easily maintain my own routine. The mall is open early for walking…so I can drag myself down there for an hour-long stroll either early (or late), any day of the week, for the grand low price of f-r-e-e. I’ve got some elastic tubing at home so that I can do the resistance/strength exercises with and of course, the ab workouts. Yes, maintenance is looking quite possible.

Me, non-athletic me, completed an exercise class.

And I’ve never missed a class.


Video Test

So, I know that you are just anticipating some video footage. Here it is. This was taken back in January, when Jamayia was 6 months old. If this works, then I’ll be able to post some videos everynow and then.

(Happy now Amanda???)


Online Quizzes Suck

You Will Not Be a Cool Parent

And that’s pretty okay. While your kids may not think of you as a friend, they will respect you.You know that kids need discipline and structure, and you’re not afraid to give it to them.Just be careful that your strictness doesn’t lead to rebellion.It’s good to have standards and rules, but you don’t need to have an iron fist when enforcing them.

LOL…As if I (ME!! Can you believe it??) would not be a cool parent?! Puh-leeze! Good thing I know better. The quiz was quite ambiguous. And doesn’t account for the ultimate in coolness factor–putting God first in your life.

I have no worries. :-)