Throwing in the Towel, Then Reeling it Back in

My immediate reaction was astonishment.

I was watching a replay of a sermon online. The message was fantastic and the speaker even had a couple props. His message topic was about fighting; letting God fight our battles. One of the analogies was a story from Rocky IV.  He told a scene in the movie when the manager had the ability to “throw in the towel” when things got too rough.  Then the fighter could just walk away, while he was still alive.  But in the case of the movie, the fighter let his pride overrule reason and he died in the ring.

Sometimes we let pride keep us in a lethal fight, when we should just suck it up and throw in the towel, trusting God for the outcome. The speaker’s final “act” was to take a towel that he was holding, ball it up, and throw it away.  This symbolized us “throwing in the towel” and surrendering our fight to God.  Then we can lean back against the ropes and let God fight for us.

Great point, right?  And such a fitting illustration.

But what happened next on my computer screen killed the moment.  As soon as the towel landed, a lady sitting nearby picked up the towel, and brushed it off, and set it on her lap.  My immediate reaction was shock & outrage.  I wondered how this lady could just disrupt the mood by her action.  It seemed to me that she was more concerned about the towel than the message.

My second reaction was understanding.

This is exactly what we do at times.  Way too often than we should.  We finally get the courage to let go. Then we start to second guess ourselves, still clinging to our issues emotionally.  So, we chase after our stuff and pick it up again.  We brush it off and settle it comfortably on our laps, almost as though the letting go part never happened.  We kill the moment.

This incident was a great reminder for me to let go–with both hands.  Let go and leave it there.  Stop trying to chase after the stuff.  Stop trying to coach God on how to handle my battle.  He’s the only One who can see the end from the beginning.  I do not have such oversight.

Let it all go.

I Think I Need To Wake Up Earlier

Each day, like clockwork, I figure I’d let the Baby wake me up.  She’s usually the first of the three girls awake, and that allows me to get decent sleep.  My lofty fantasy is to watch her drowsily eat and fall back to sleep, while I awake and enjoy quiet time.  Enough to do my Bible time and have time to write a wee bit before the other girls come bouncing along. 

This is usually how each day starts, with one minor difference:  the Baby stays awake, followed by the Toddler, followed by Ms. Kindergarten.  And there goes the time right out the window.  I do take a few moments for Bible time–that’s a must.  Like breathing & drinking water–can’t get through the day without connecting with God first. 

As the day goes on, I have snatches of time here and there that let me at least read some fantabulous blog posts from some incredible women.  If I allow myself too much time, I keep finding more and more little goodies hidden here and there.  And then I start dreaming more about my own blog and the posts that I could very well pump out after being inspired by others.  Believe me, I’ve written many a blog post in my head, gone off on many a tangent and had even more lessons come to mind. 

But stuck in my mind is not enough.  I need to transfer it from inner thought to outward expression.  The adventure continues.  My princesses are young enough that they need me to do quite a bit for them still.  And that’s okay.  I’m their Mom–I’m supposed to meet their needs at this season of their lives.  If I want time for extras, however, I need to carve it out of somewhere else.

I Thought Thanksgiving Had Something To Do With Giving Thanks

I was at the local library this evening for their “fall family story time”.  As tonight’s session started, the reader asked the kids what was coming up on Monday.  Thanksgiving was the correct reply (Canadian Thanksgiving is the second Monday in October).  The reader then asked what happens for Thanksgiving or what do you do for this holiday.  The response:  food.  Everyone chuckled, some harder than others, and the conversation died there.  While food is a fun part of Thanksgiving, even in my family, it can’t be the only reason why people celebrate.  Or can it?

Truth be told, I was slightly disturbed by this.  Major holiday, involving “thanks” and food was the only priority?  What’s more–this was a child’s response.  This is a reflection of what the child is learning or has been taught.  No other kids had their hands up with responses either.  It made me think.  Are children no longer taught to give thanks? 

It’s kind of different for me.  Giving thanks plays a big role in my relationship with God.  It’s something that I do and am intentional about doing, particularly when I don’t feel like there’s anything to be thankful for.  When you live life with eyes that seek out things to be thankful for, it adds a different perspective.  You tend to be more positive about life in general.  This is something worth sharing, so I’m teaching my children to be thankful.  Even at their young ages, they have things that they can thank God for. 

Where does that leave people who aren’t in the habit of thankfulness?  I know people who are into themselves, very self-focused, very self-oriented.  They often tend to be quick to complain, yet slow to be thankful.  As though nothing happens outside of their personal bubble or beyond their control.  In fact, they get flustered with something extraordinary occurs.  I wonder what meaning, if any, Thanksgiving has for them.  Or is their main focus food as well…

Lots to think about.  Lots more to teach my girls.  Lots to live.

And I thought I was going to the library for 30 minutes of cute stories and a craft. 

What A Pretty Day

We broke all sorts of temperature records today.  It was 31 degrees Celcius (88 degrees Farenheit).  In October, no less!  These scorchers are no stranger to us here, but usually they’re found in June through September.  Actually, as I think back a bit, I remember Oct 5, 2002.  It was chilly…and snowing!  The flakes didn’t last too long, nor were we buried under them.  But it was cold enough to snow then.  Today, people were tanning, enjoying shorts & sandals and blasting air condition.

The weather is a great example of how little control we have.  We cannot control when or how the temperature changes.  Sure, the calendar may indicate a change in seasons.  As to how those seasons feel though?  That’s not up to us to decide.  What we do control, however, is our reaction to what goes on around it.  I’ve heard nothing but pleasant surprise at the sunshine and warmth these last few days.  As if it’s completely mind-boggling that nice weather can occur in the fall. 

Rather than question it though, I think we should just embrace it while it lasts.  What a lead-in to the Thanksgiving weekend.  Let the weather kick start the recitations of thankfulness.  Yet, don’t stop there.  Look for other things in your life for which to be thankful.  Dig deep.  Some of us may need to dig deeper than others, but don’t stop digging.  The story of some gold (I believe it was) mine owners comes to mind.  They were digging for a long time.  Weeks, months, eventually years, but no sign of any precious metals.  Finally, they gave up; threw in the towel.  They quit completely and walked away.  Frustration and fatigue won out over any more digging. New owners came along and began digging.  They hit pay dirt two inches into their dig.  If only the first group had keep hanging on.

Hang tight while the things around you seem dismal.  Though quitting may seem like a sensible option, don’t do it.  That next step is just that much closer to the prize.  Like the weather, you have no control over your circumstances.  Don’t fret.  Just sit back and enjoy it.

How The Day Looks

I’m not alone in wondering exactly where the time goes, right?  I mean, I have a schedule in mind, and am trying hard to adhere to it.  It’s not a humourless, rigid schedule that’s set in stone.  There’s room for flexibility.  Yet, huh?

Like last Friday, for example:
I woke up just after 7 am
Baby & Toddler awoke too
Had devotional time
Did Bible lesson with the kids
Fed kids breakfast
Emptied clothes from dryer
Changed kids
Fed baby, then put her down to nap
Schoolwork with Kindergartener (and a wee bit with Toddler since she wanted to join in the fun)
Quick recess
More schoolwork
Fed kids lunch
Started to cook supper
Fed baby, who awoke from nap
Finished making supper
Emptied, then reloaded dishwasher
Started folding clean laundry

It’s about 2:45 pm–and Momma is just about to have breakfast!

Ah well, things can only improve, right?  On the days I plan to workout, I wake up even earlier to try and fit that in.  I have been managing to eat in the mornings too (morning being anytime before noon!).

Such is this life.  I’m not complaining; I’m blessed.  Maybe by the end of the school year, my daily routine will look a bit different? 

We’ll soon find out.

Riding The VBS Wave

Sounds like I’m surfing, right?  Well I am, kind of.

It’s Vacation Bible School (VBS) week at my church.  Tonight was night four of five.  The theme:  SonSurf Beach Bash.  Yes, it is as fun as it sounds.  There’s been a different focus each evening.  Meet Up, Look Up, Join Up, Meet Up and Fire Up with/to Jesus.  We’ve had a great turnout of 30 kids total.  My main job has been to tell the Bible story each night.  There were two presentations; one per age group.  It was fun to get creative with the story–and great to see the kids learning.

Being with other kids for an entire week is truly a parental aid.  There are things I’ve observed over the course of the week that made me reflect on how I parent my girls.  So, while all the kids were having a blast, this Momma was busy learning too, from a different angle.  I think that as a parent, it’s important to not attend these events with a closed mind.  You really should never walk around as though you already know everything there is to know about anything.  The way life changes, there is always something new to be learned; something that you can be taught.  If you don’t keep stretching and learning, then you’ll start receding and dying, I think.

Anyhoo, now for the promised video.  This gives you an idea of how catchy the music has been this week.

I Am A Writer

Hello.  My name is Sabrina and I am a writer.

I felt the need to just spell it out that way, for myself.  I read a fantastic and most encouraging post on the (In)Courage site today.  Please take a few moments to check it out.

In a nutshell, the author was saying that if you write, you’re a writer.  Nothing should take away from that.

After reading and rereading her post (a few times), I realized a few things about myself.

  1. I am a writer.  I write.  I enjoy writing.  My friends & family come to me for help with wording anything–announcements, emails, invitations, résumés, essays, etc.  I never say no–no task is too small for me to attempt.  I prefer to email someone rather than make a phone call.
  2. I’ve been underestimating my talent.  I have no major writing contract.  I haven’t rubbed elbows with my favourite authors.  I haven’t been published by any “big name”.  But in no way do these “have nots” mean that I have no talent.  I do have talent.  Even if it’s meant to only be shared in circles closest to me–I’ve still got abilities.
  3. I tend to hide behind dreams and aspiration and hopes for the future.  It’s easier and much less daunting, to say that one day in the future, I’d like to be a writer.  As though the future is far off.  But rather than live in the future, I should own the moments of the present.

I can write right now

I am a writer now.

Found in Translation

I was looking up some Bible verses last weekend and stumbled across a familiar verse.  It stuck out because I looked it up in the Message Bible, for a modern version of familiar words.  This is what it said:

But the Master said: “you don’t need more faith.  There is no ‘more’ or ‘less’ in faith.  If you have a bare kernel of faith, say the size of a poppy seed, you could say to this sycamore tree ‘Go jump in the lake’ and it would do it.

I always thought that verse was talking about the amount of faith you had.  But since reading it in the newer translation, I realized that I was sort of off the mark.

It’s about having faith, period.  We just need to believe.  Assigning a quantity to it doesn’t make it any more or less effective, since we tend to think that answers to prayer are a direct proportion to the size of our faith.  As long as we have faith–as long as we believe in God, we’ve got power.  I think the mustard seed vs mountain comparison (or poppy seed vs sycamore tree, in this case) is trying to help us form an idea of God’s grandeur.  God’s looking to us to believe, to trust Him.  He doesn’t have a faith sizing chart, that puts us all on different levels in our spiritual journey.  As long as we believe, He can move.  And move He does! 

I’m so glad to have found this verse.  It was liberating.  No longer do I have to worry about whether or not I have enough faith.  We can give ourselves complexes in trying to “get more faith” in order to see results/changes in our lives.  But that’s not how God works.  I just need to trust Him and give Him space & time to do His thing in my life.

This renovated thinking doesn’t change certain points though.  Having faith does not guarantee an immediate response to prayer.  God’s not going to do seemingly bigger or smaller things in my life because My faith is bigger or smaller.  But having faith does means that I will trust His works & His timing.  It means I’ll have more of an understanding and respect to His timing.

A Weekend Getaway

This weekend, I’ll be “retreating”.  The women’s ministries department from my church has organized a mini-retreat; a scaled down version of their usual getaway.  They were gracious enough to let me know that Rishayla can come with me, her Dairy Queen.  I didn’t even have to ask them; they volunteered this info to me.  (I wouldn’t have even thought of asking them if nursing infants were allowed).  Two lovely angels offered to cover my retreat costs.  That was probably another sign that I should be going.  The fee was a big obstacle for me, which was knocked over without any doing on my part.  The last tip was talking to a friend who was feeling impressed that I needed to be attending the event this weekend.  Since I wasn’t feeling a definitely “no”, I opted to join in.

The theme:  “Finding Joy in a Broken World”.  Yeppers–the world is most definitely broken, busted & battered.  People are cruel, greedy, selfish & self-seeking.  It seems that most are out for feel-good solutions; anything that will bring instant gratification.  The fact that these things are most often temporary doesn’t stop them.  There are a select few that seek joy.  Despite all of the circumstances in their life, they don’t let those negativities tie them down.

We’ll see what lessons are in store for me this weekend.  While I don’t consider myself to be completely lacking of joy, I do realize that I’m not exactly full of joy either.  I don’t ever want my attitude to be such that I can never learn from anything or anyone.  So, I’m looking forward to the weekend.

Hooray For Helpful Friends

Well, I did want to label this blogging day as a “thankful Tuesday”.  Here we go…

I’m thankful for my friend, P.  She’s always so willing to help me out whenever she can and she loves my girls.  In fact today, we had an appointment with a specialist and P offered to help me out.  She left work early, came and sat in a waiting room with my two youngest while Jono & I were in with Jamayia.  How cool is that!

I’m also thankful for Jamayia’s progress.  We saw the child development pediatrician, as a follow up to a consultation a couple of years before.  She said that Jamayia has come a long way, and she’s not too worried about her growth or progress anymore.  This whole situation is drama in itself and requires a separate post to address it.  In the meantime, I was just praising God during the testing today.  She did quite well!

Hmm, maybe I should keep giving myself a time restraint for writing these posts.  It does help to get some new material posted, at least.