What A Pretty Day

We broke all sorts of temperature records today.  It was 31 degrees Celcius (88 degrees Farenheit).  In October, no less!  These scorchers are no stranger to us here, but usually they’re found in June through September.  Actually, as I think back a bit, I remember Oct 5, 2002.  It was chilly…and snowing!  The flakes didn’t last too long, nor were we buried under them.  But it was cold enough to snow then.  Today, people were tanning, enjoying shorts & sandals and blasting air condition.

The weather is a great example of how little control we have.  We cannot control when or how the temperature changes.  Sure, the calendar may indicate a change in seasons.  As to how those seasons feel though?  That’s not up to us to decide.  What we do control, however, is our reaction to what goes on around it.  I’ve heard nothing but pleasant surprise at the sunshine and warmth these last few days.  As if it’s completely mind-boggling that nice weather can occur in the fall. 

Rather than question it though, I think we should just embrace it while it lasts.  What a lead-in to the Thanksgiving weekend.  Let the weather kick start the recitations of thankfulness.  Yet, don’t stop there.  Look for other things in your life for which to be thankful.  Dig deep.  Some of us may need to dig deeper than others, but don’t stop digging.  The story of some gold (I believe it was) mine owners comes to mind.  They were digging for a long time.  Weeks, months, eventually years, but no sign of any precious metals.  Finally, they gave up; threw in the towel.  They quit completely and walked away.  Frustration and fatigue won out over any more digging. New owners came along and began digging.  They hit pay dirt two inches into their dig.  If only the first group had keep hanging on.

Hang tight while the things around you seem dismal.  Though quitting may seem like a sensible option, don’t do it.  That next step is just that much closer to the prize.  Like the weather, you have no control over your circumstances.  Don’t fret.  Just sit back and enjoy it.