Five Minute Friday: Colour

I have colour that appears in two forms: inward & outward. 

The outward colour; the deep rich, mahogany is one that some people tend to notice first.  Yes, even in 2011–almost 2012, some people still do stop short of looking further than the surface level.  And for the ones that tend to notice colour, they tend to associate pre-assumed thoughts with the colour.  What’s cool is watching what happens when their ideas, their notions, their assumptions get blasted as they get to know me.

On the flip side, I’m thrilled to say that most people notice the inward colour first.  That deep red of my blood.  It’s most noticeable because they too, are red inside.  When they look at others they’re not looking at shape, size, accent, hair texture or colour.  They’re looking characteristics; kindness, grace, love.  These qualities transcend all colour barriers.  They do not fit into a box to be checked or a term to label.  These qualities reveal much about a person. 

Character is what counts.  This is what I notice when I see people; that is what I want people to notice most about me.

(((I wasn’t quite done yet.  However, my five minutes ran out.  Maybe I’ll be brave enough to post more on this topic later)))
This was a tough one.  Give it a try.  5 solid minutes of writing.  Click the button below to join up.  Read some other  posts and leave an encouraging word too.  It does wonders for the soul.

Check In: How Homeschool’s Going

We’re about 3 months into our first homeschooling experience.  How’s it going?

It’s good.  Really.  Honestly.  It’s going well.  And I’m not just saying it.

The people around us have been quite supportive.  Everyone from family to friends to our embracing internet “family”.  Friends, who are also parents, are asking me for my experience.  I’m excited to share with them and give them realistic encouragement.

Kindergarten is a good age and great school year to begin with.  When we first started, I worried that I’d mess up my child for life.  That she would be behind other non-homeschooled kids and consequently, treated as an outcast.  Fearful of making mistakes, I did some careful research.  Even after the year began, I continued browsing reviews, reading up on what amount of academics other seasoned homeschoolers were doing. 

It can be a double-edged sword sometimes.  In this day & age, having internet access and the feedback of the world right at your fingertips can be both a blessing and a setback.  When you’re wondering if what you’re feeling at a precise moment of your day is imaginary or not, the encouragement you find online is wonderful.  In fact, sometimes it’s overwhelming.  There is at least one other mom, another family who are going through or who have just come through the exact same situation.  They encourage without belittling.  It’s just enough motivation to continue. 

Yet, if you’re wondering if you’re doing enough, being creative enough, sometimes the internet world can get you discouraged.  If you don’t have any extra cash, or are lacking in artistic creativity, you can feel overwhelmed.  There are some super creative people out there, who seem to exude and exalt homeschooling to a special art form.  (Thank you kindly to those of you who so generously share your printables with the rest of us.  God bless you all!)  You can suddenly feel underwhelmed.  But don’t get stuck there.

Realize that you’re only responsible to your own family.  You maintain creative control.  You don’t need a lot of extras in order to teach your children.  Get to know your child and work from there.  When you see all those great-looking ideas, start thinking of ways to put your own spin on it.  Make it work for you.  Your child doesn’t know what’s fancy or not until you introduce it to them in your home.

When the school year first started, I was so nervous and worried that I acted like this Kindergarten year was an experiment.  I actually said, to other people, that this year is a safe one to attempt homeschooling.  If it doesn’t work out, then they shouldn’t be scarred for life. 

Dumb move on my part!  Talk about a motivation killer.

I’m now speaking positively from the get go.  Rather than assume bad, negative things, I presume and hope that things will go well and I am planning to continue next year as my young student head’s into Grade 1. 

Five Minute Friday: Tired

Tired.  Weary.  Stale.

Those are things I don’t like to be; I don’t enjoy feeling. 

Physical tiredness is one thing.  I’m a mom to three kids ages 5, 3 & 10 months.  The physical fatigue is to be expected.  Besides, I know that personally, I could do better.  Make more time for workouts to boost the energy.  Get to bed earlier.  Curb the diet a bit.  But c’mon: chocolate is a necessity…

I don’t ever want to look stale though.  I don’t want to become so complacent with my life that my face only reflects fatigue.  There’s a lot more negative around me than positive sometimes.  More month, more bills, more wannabe commitments than funds.  There’s always a need for something essential.  The news is full of all sorts of creepy stories.  Usually some tired people who no longer could hold back and reacted with poor judgement.  The amount of illness, cancer, corruption that seems to be exponentially increasing–crazy!

But then I glance at my family’s smiley faces and that gives me renewal.  They’re motivation to arise each day, stretch and smile.  They’re constantly giggling away.  Those giggles turn into full blown laughter, and the occasional tantrum when they do tire.  Regardless, their energy, their hope, knows no limit.
Your turn.  Find 5 minutes to let the words flow.  No critics in this group; only fans.  Feel free to link up below too.  Please do visit some other posts and leave word of two for a warm fuzzy to their day.

I Never Wanted To Be Typical

Unique.  Not typical.  
For the most part, that’s a good description of my life.  Sure, there are some elements that are common with someone else.  Woman, daughter, wife, mother.  How I live out these roles, though, is far from typical.
I’m a first generation Canadian, born and raised in the Prairies.  My parents tried their best to stay true to the West Indian heritage that they know and raise Canadians in both a way and a land that were unknown.  The beauty of this country is the great mosaic that exists.  No two faces are alike; no two backgrounds are alike.  While the parents of my schoolmates were from a different culture, they had similar struggles.  There seemed to be a hidden shame in struggling.  Now, as a parent, I juggle what I know along the unknown.  I’m also learning that there’s no need to be ashamed.  On occasion there’s failure, but the rest of the days are successful.  
Another unique part of my life is home education.  We’re a new homeschooling family.  This was not on our radar when we were first married.  We never thought we’d be homeschooling our children when they were born.  Much thought and research went into our decision as they approached school age.  Society today is nothing like how society was when my husband and I were in school.  I used to think that homeschooling was for elite, über-organized, wealthy, artistically gifted families.  None of those words are a perfect description of my family.  I’ve learned that you don’t have to be superb to homeschool.
I aim to keep it real, to be honest in my living.  I don’t have all the answers.  My hope is that I stand out not as a sore thumb, but because something I’ve shared here encourages you to continue on your own life path.  There are many hilarious moments in our home each day; my kids are constantly giggling.  My girls find joy in sticky fingers, stained clothes and simple meals.  More importantly, they know that they’re loved and adored.  My daughters are constantly teaching me about overlooked aspects of life.
My three girls
This is a glimpse as to what makes me unique.  Today’s Parent magazine is searching for parent bloggers; different faces to share their stories.  The bonus here too is that this is also a freelance opportunity.  If the blogging aspect doesn’t work at this point, there’s still a chance to write an article here and there. 
A few other great posts are:

Five Minute Friday: Grateful

To be truly grateful is work.  Hard work!

Sometimes saying “thank you” is almost like a platitude; something that’s said just because, and not necessarily with any meaning behind it.  For example:


If you’re like me, you’ve noticed that many times, people who ask how you are do it because it’s the thing to say, and they do it in passing, never expecting a response, let alone an honest response.  So, the automatic reply is “fine, thanks”.  Except that more often than not, we’re not fine.  And we certainly ain’t thankful about it.

There’s a cute little passage that tells us we should thank God no matter what happens because that’s how He’s called us to live.  **sigh**  His ways are never easy, are they?!  We’re to love each other, including our enemies.  We’re to be kind to each other.  We’re to turn the other cheek.  And now we’ve gotta work on being grateful as well, no matter what??

I don’t think it’s any coincidence that this little verse comes after we’re told to be cheerful and pray always. 

Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.  1 Thess 5:16-18 (The Message)

Reality is though, that it’s easier to get through life when we are working on being more cheerful and prayerful.  It’s easier to see the things worth thanking God for, even when everything around us seems like an epic fail.  Or worse yet, when the people we’ve been praying for get their extra special God blessing, in our gratefulness on their behalf, in the back of our minds, we wonder when will it be our turn…

((Bonus:  I saw the keyword for today’s five minute Friday topic and this song immediately came to mind.  I wanted to share it with you all.))

Your turn.  It’s Thanksgiving time in the United States.  Those of us in Canada already got a head start on our gratitude and gratefulness in October.  I certainly don’t mind spending more time being grateful.  So, write away, for 5 minutes straight.  It’s amazing the twists and turns your mind will take on this exercise.  Click below to link up.  Please visit a blog or two (or more) before you and leave a comment for them too.

Dancing From Dominoes

We have a set of double nine Dominoes, as part of our math manipulatives set.  The other day, Jamayiawas lining them all up in some creative design, with the intent of knocking one over and watching the chain reaction.  I offered to teach her how to play.  She was eager to learn.

I separated the domino set, removing everything higher than double six.  We picked out seven tiles each, and I began teaching her the basics.  She caught on quite quickly, and her enthusiasm seemed to double.  She knew that she had to watch the game area for the numbers at both ends and match them up with the tiles from her hand.  If needed, she could pick up tiles from the extra pile.

Later that evening, we played again, as a family.  Incredibly, this girl managed to find even more exuberance for the game.  She remembered how to play and was having a blast. So much fun, that each time she lay down a tile, she stood up to dance and cheer.  Hard.  Jhyelle started copying her too.  So now we had two princesses, dancing and cheering their hearts out after every turn. 

It was adorable.  Loud, yet neat to see their excitement and their passion for learning and celebrating even in a simple moment.  While I was trying to get through a few rounds of the game, my older girls were relishing the game.

The thoughts started coming to my mind.  When did I stop enjoying the learning process?  At what age did I figure out that all inner joy must be restrained and contained, kept only to myself?  And why?  Not all situations call for such displays of excitement, of course.  Discretion must be used.  But by myself, in my home, where I have free reign to do whatever, should I not freely celebrate life?

Thanks, Jamayia, for teaching Mommy in this moment.  Thanks for reminding me that there’s fun awaiting in every nook and cranny of our home.

Five Minute Friday: Grow

Grow.  To me that means an increase.  Increasing, yet never stopping.

Lots of things grow.  Hair.  Nails.  Size.  Girth.  Relationship.  Rumours.  Tumours.  Lies.  Gossip.

And people.  People grow.  I grow.  Not only have I grown from a tiny cell into an embryo.  I’ve come from nothing into something.  I’m a “grown up” now, yet I’m still growing.

Sure, my body is one thing.  But that’s only one aspect of growth.  That’s just the outside.

What about my inside?  Growth needs to happen internally.  Beneath the exterior shell, lies what’s real.  It’s what keeps me going everyday.  What helps me to wake up and make the effort because I think that my life is worth it.

Some of my talents have grown.  I say some, because really, the ones that I have used, and practiced have all grown.  The ones that I have lay down by the wayside, put on a semi-permanent pause, have all faded.  Died, really.

That’s what can happen when growth stops. I don’t even want to stop growing.  I’m not ready yet to quit on life.  Some days are hard; some days are easy.  But it’s not worth stopping just yet.  I strive to keep growing, keep going. 

If I stop growing, then life comes to a halt.
Your turn.  Click the button below to join us in this writing exercise.  No editing required.  Just 5 minutes of the freest, most liberating yet focused writing you can pour out.  And then another couple moments to add your title, and post and link up.

Five Minute Friday: Unexpected

Unexpected.  The surprise I feel when a prayer is answered.  If I asked and believed when asking, why the surprise?  Why did I not expect God to come through for me?  He’s always promised that He will.

Unexpected.  The things that happen every day of my life.  Sure, I wake up each day with a plan, an idea of how I think my day could play out.  And each day, something else happens.  It’s never according to my schedule, to my imaginary blueprint.  And that’s okay.  Usually it’s better than what I first expected.

Unexpected.  The journey you’re taken on when you choose to walk by faith and not by sight.  It’s a hard choice to make.  I know I often waver in that choice.  But I firmly believe that it’s the best choice.

You never expect the hard times.  Sure, you hear about them from others and your pray that they don’t happen to you.  But then the enemy hits you with temptations tailor made to suit you, to fit you like a glove, almost.  Things that wouldn’t bother anyone else get under your skin.  You never expect the failures, the doubts, the regrets, the second guesses.

All that can change.  And a beautiful, transforming, unexpected moment can happen.

You can surrender it all to God.  He’ll take your stuff, your mess and reshape it.  You can be renovated so that even the people around you no longer recognize you.

That’s the unexpected that I’d like to be.
Why don’t you join us?  I’ll admit that in this post, I encountered something unexpected.  I struggled from the opening line.  The words were flowing, I just wasn’t sure if that’s what I wanted to write.  But, I’m surrendering.  It’s great.

The “rules” (loose application of the word) are very simple.  Write freely, no strings attached for 5 minutes.  When you’re done, hit publish.  You’re welcome to link up. Please do leave a comment on a blog or a few blogs who have linked up before you.

There Is Laughter After Death

Death.  This is a topic that most common talk seems to respectfully avoid.  Yet, there are many neat things that happen surrounding the death of someone. 

My cousin died last week.  (I’ll have to post more about him later).

While that was sad, what happened next was neat to watch.  People seemed to appear out of nowhere.  I saw a longtime family friend for the first time in eight years.  One extended relative returned home for the gathering (no formal service at my cousin’s request) and had time to spend and catch up with people he hadn’t seen in 20+ years.  Relatives I hadn’t seen since the last year’s huge family event, made an appearance.  Sometimes I forget that we all live in the same city.  Some of my cousin’s friends who had long ago lost touch, reappeared to share their condolences and memories with the family. 

It was wonderful.  A chance to reconnect, with the intention of maintaining contact.  Thanks to modern technology and social media, this is truly possible to do.  Pictures were taken and shared and will be posted online for everyone near and far to enjoy. 

And there was lots of laughter.  Though death is sad, it was nice that the time spent with loved-ones wasn’t soaked up by tears, regrets and nose-blowing.  People left with a light heart, happy to celebrate a life.

What encouragement to do my best with the life that I have. 

Sick Day For My Student

My young student is sick.  One of the perks of homeschooling is that it’s flexible enough to allow for sick days without the major headache of disruption. 

Thankfully, she’s not bedridden today; it’s only a touch of a cold.  Yet, it’s just enough to annoy her should she need to sit still and concentrate.  However, we can stick with some lighter tasks today.  I’ll sit with her and we’ll read some books together.  We’ll pop in a couple sign language videos and have some fun learning that way.  This is also a great time to reinforce some basic hygiene too.

There is always opportunity for learning.  It’s a matter of keeping your eyes open and using all these moments to your advantage.