The Pressure’s On

While editing, that is.  When I edit something, I usually end up completely rewriting a portion of the article (if it’s mine).  If it’s someone else’s work/résumé/words, then I stick with their content and just reword or rephrase a few things to make it sound nicer.  I don’t touch other people’s content–it’s not mine to play around with.

My own words, however, are fair game.  And then I wonder why I just didn’t spew out the completed document in the first place?  Oh well.  Tis the beauty of creative genius, I suppose. 

If only everything else in life were that simple.  Have something to work with, tweak it a bit to make it sound sensible and coherent and pretty and voilà!  Done. I suppose that approach would devalue the point and need of hard work then.  Making us all lazy (or lazier, in some cases) and unable to recognize what effort even was.  It would sure save a lot of time and embarrassment for many people.  When I think of all the more popular or somewhat influential people in the world who say something, unedited.  Then there’s a quick defense, oftentimes followed by a retraction of the statement or an apology.  Sometimes both.  The ability to self-edit the first time would drastically reduce the things that society has to get opinionated about.  That would, however, leave us with time to get opinionated and informed about what truly matters in life.  Go figure…

Back to the editing grind I go.  I’m almost done.  Then I can look forward to more editing and tweaking in my future, especially if I hope to keep on writing.

And I’m totally okay with that.

I Am A Writer

Hello.  My name is Sabrina and I am a writer.

I felt the need to just spell it out that way, for myself.  I read a fantastic and most encouraging post on the (In)Courage site today.  Please take a few moments to check it out.

In a nutshell, the author was saying that if you write, you’re a writer.  Nothing should take away from that.

After reading and rereading her post (a few times), I realized a few things about myself.

  1. I am a writer.  I write.  I enjoy writing.  My friends & family come to me for help with wording anything–announcements, emails, invitations, résumés, essays, etc.  I never say no–no task is too small for me to attempt.  I prefer to email someone rather than make a phone call.
  2. I’ve been underestimating my talent.  I have no major writing contract.  I haven’t rubbed elbows with my favourite authors.  I haven’t been published by any “big name”.  But in no way do these “have nots” mean that I have no talent.  I do have talent.  Even if it’s meant to only be shared in circles closest to me–I’ve still got abilities.
  3. I tend to hide behind dreams and aspiration and hopes for the future.  It’s easier and much less daunting, to say that one day in the future, I’d like to be a writer.  As though the future is far off.  But rather than live in the future, I should own the moments of the present.

I can write right now

I am a writer now.

I’ve Submitted an Article

I just hit the “submit” button, sending an article for possible publication on their website.  I always said I wanted to do it. 

Actually, correction.  I’ve been saying that maybe one day, down the road, I’d submit something to the website.  I’ll wait until hearing either the yay or nay (because they do have a right to decline my submission–let’s keep it real) until I specify the website and more about the article.

In the meantime, please say a prayer for me.  I’m actually excited.

Now to write more submissions and find homes for them.

Opportunities Ahead

I like writing.  A lot.  I also enjoy reading, and the library has surely seen a drastic increase in my activity there.  In fact, the last time I was at the library, as I was walking up to the counter to check out a couple books, the librarian grabbed my holds from the shelf.  This was before she’d even accessed my file on the computer! 

Over the last few weeks, since I’ve made a personal recommitment to write more and more often, I’ve seen neat things happen.  I got myself listed as a blogger on the Homeschool Horizons website.  They’re set to relaunch the magazine this fall, and I’ve inquired about their writing guidelines.  I’ve increased my blog activity and am enjoying the healthy challenge.  I’ve helped a friend with her résumé, cover letter and various emails.  My sisters-in-law have approached me to write a story for them as they enter a contest. 

To see all these new opportunities is exciting.  One step at a time. 

PS:  This blog is in serious need of a photo update of the kidlets.  Soon to come.