The Art of Refreshment

Not the food kind of refreshment though.  I’m referring to the honest presentations that are currently being delivered by Dr. Matthew Gamble.  This guy is cool.  He has quite the life story, which he’s eager to share with anyone, not just an audience. What makes him cool?  Jesus.

This man has a passion for Jesus and it’s so refreshing to see and hear such honest and boldness in his presentations.  Everything that he’s presented is from the Bible, which hopes that his audience will want to get to know Jesus (or know him better) for themselves. 

There are a few nights left for his presentations–he was only here for about eight days.  You can catch him at the Lighthouse of Hope Church, each night at 7 pm.  His last presentation will be Saturday, Sept 25. 

If Jesus isn’t really your thing, come anyways and just listen.  If He’s still not your thing, that’s your choice.  But at least check it out for yourself and see if you don’t find yourself intrigued in the slightest.

Am I Artsy?

Since the NaBloPoMo theme this month is “art”, let’s continue on with a random discussion of the topic, shall we?

I had no clue what to say tonight.  Yet, I knew that something needed to be said.  So, am I artsy? 

Most of me wants to assume NO.  I lack creativity in many aspects.  I live in a house and would like to see it beautifully decorated–like magazine-worthy.  Yet, I have no clue how to pick a style and go with it.  I spend enough time watching the Food Network channel, yet am still heavily recipe dependent.  It just tastes that much better if I have a correct mix of ingredients and whatnot…like someone else’s idea.  I like some stylish clothes, yet my current closet in no way reflects that. 

On the other hand, a small part of me wants to say “yes”.  Yes, I do have my artsy moments.  I like blogging.  I like editing, whether it’s a church bulletin announcement, an email or an article.  I kinda like baking desserts.  I can help with the basic setup of a room, food table or dressing my kids so that they all appear simple yet looking good.  I can doodle well enough that my kids recognize my drawings.  I can carry a tune and appreciate a wickedly awesome urban gospel beat.  I can comb my preschooler’s hair and have people compliment me on it. 

I’ve come to the conclusion that yes, I am artsy.  I will in no way identify myself as an artist, in any genre, but I do have some artistic tendencies.  There’s nothing wrong with that.  I’m quite satisfied–sounds like I’ve learned something new about myself.

I’m Entered…

Into a blogging contest.  I saw the ad on the Today’s Parent website and decided to enter.

Baby3 is making me more daring.  Or maybe it’s the fact that I’m getting older too.  Maybe it’s a combo of both.  The coolest thing–to win.  The uncool–to not win.  Of course it depends on the large number of applicants, etc.  I need to spiff up my own blog too, in the meantime, because it will be checked out by readers near and far.  Hopefully some other women out there in the vast land of Internet will be able to identify with me.

Or at least find my blog pure entertainment and worth visiting (and adding to their own blogroll) on a regular basis.

But it would be fun to win.  Just the challenge I need to get my writing back into habit. 

I De-Lurked Today

And it’s not even national (or international) de-lurking day or anything.  I’ve de-lurked before, but usually to bloggers that are complete strangers to me, who live in the US or someplace else in my hometown who I know I’ll probably never meet.

Today was personal.  I actually know the woman and see her regularly, though we’re not close or don’t hang out.  But we’re kind to each other when we do see each other.  She was wondering about her relationship, just general questions, nothing earth-shattering or anything.  The part that made me want to comment was when she was wondering if she’s the only one who’s only ever had one relationship in her lifetime and have it turn into something long term.

Nope.  She’s not alone.  That’s happened to me.  I have no regrets.  So, I de-lurked to let her know that she’s not alone and that’s she’s in no way abnormal or bizarre.  There’s no shame in one relationship.  It’s rare these days, but not impossible. 

All the best to you, my dear :-)

The Thin Line

I just read this blog post and it was enough to get me thinking.  And thinking well, because I’m actually posting.  The blogger is choosing to end her blog, in part because she doesn’t want to risk embarrassing her kids as they age and in part because she can’t be a honest and forthcoming with some of her posts as she’d like to be. 

I don’t blame her.  I’ve struggled with the same thing on this blog, wanting to pour my heart out, but holding back.  I mean, I’m not about to seek permission from someone to share my opinion on a matter.  However, they also have the right to their privacy and shouldn’t fear having their life on public blogging display.  There’s a line, however thin and however high, but there’s a line and I choose to respect it in the best way possible. 

Don’t worry–I’m not closing my blog now.  I will be looking at life differently and trying to find ways to share my experiences, from my perspective.

I Like A Clear Message

I just got home from a brainstorming session, and am feeling inspired about two things.

1) I need to turn down a position.

2) There’s lots of potential for me to do well as a parent.

The children’s ministry leader of my church called an impromptu meeting at her place tonight.  The plan was just to sit and talk about what we can do for the children and how best to lead them spiritually.  The few people who were there this evening are not parenting experts.  We each have struggles with our own children, in our own homes.  Yet, we all know that we have a passion to encourage our kids and those around us, to look to God for direction in their lives.  We’re also determined to do our best to lead by example.

While I was sitting through this chat, I was struggling with something else in my head.  I was also asked to co-lead the women’s ministry team this year for my church.  That’s a huge role!!  I’ve been involved in women’s ministry for years, but never as the official leader.  Yet, I knew that there was no way to do both–the children and the women.  And as we were talking, I realized that it was okay to just concentrate on the kids.

I have two girls.  My role as a mother didn’t end in the birthing room.  As I think about it, pregnancy and labour were the easiest parts of this parenting journey.  I’m responsible to teach them about life.  I need to help them with the basics for living–walking, talking, eating, dressing, potty training, functioning in society and so own.  More than that, I’m also responsible for encouraging them to live right; to motivate them to live and to teach them that there is a point to life.  While I can’t force them into anything, I can surely do my best to guide them to do their personal best. 

So, sorry women’s ministry–it’s a no to leadership from me.  I don’t have the time that is needed to dedicate to such a vital position.  And I refuse to accept a position, especially leadership, if I cannot do it justice.  There’s nothing worse than messing up a department, particularly when one knows better.

Hello children’s ministry!  My girls are at an age now, where I’d be able to better participate.  I’m currently helping out in the Kindergarten class, which is ages 4-6 years old.  This will keep me on my toes, especially as Jamayia will very soon be 4 years old herself–yikes!!!!!

I’ve been looking for direction as to what to do and where to get myself involved, especially where my girls are concerned.  This should be a fun adventure. 


That’s the sound of my voice echoing at the emptiness on this blog.  Woah–I knew it’d been a while, but I wasn’t expecting that my last post was wayyyy back in January.  What’s been going on?

  • We went to California
  • All of us went (it was originally supposed to be Jhyelle & I)
  • I started working on the side a wee bit
  • I had some whack flu bug (I’d gone a whole eight years without vomiting!!!)
  • Jamayia’s been sick every single month…and is getting sick again
  • Jhyelle’s had small touches of illness after Jamayia, but nothing unbearable
  • I started working out…paused, due to illness…and have restarted again

I’ll now have to backtrack and do more detailed updates.  But welcome to today.  The Dr’s office found a slot for Jamayia with another Dr in the practice.  She started coughing again yesterday, and it’s sounding quite chesty to me. 

Oh…and I got an iPhone.  Cools!!! 

Wanted: Brain Plumber

Yes, you’ve read correctly. I need to unclog my brain. It’s been stuck over the last few months, though I’m sure you can very well tell without any hint from me. I’ve been reading a few different blogs over the last little while and am amazed at how various people can write with such depth and honesty and openness.

Yet, I’m stuck??

Anyways, time to get some cerebral Drain-o (or whatever environmentally-safe equivalent exists) and just do it.

Plus, Jenn, months ago (I know. How shameful!) had asked me to contribute to her BLOG. I was stuck then…still kinda am. But I refuse to be stuck any longer!

So, what kinds of topics would interest readers for that blog? Feedback requested.

Please & thank you!