Baby Show

I had the chance to attend the Baby & Kids Show today. I went with Jamayia & my cousin. It was a good time. The setup is quite similar to the wonderful wedding show, or probably any other exhibitionary-type of show that some to the Convention Centre in town, just done on a smaller scale.
There was a stage for live mini-performances by the Backyardigans (love them!!! And we managed to catch the tail end of the first performance–yeah! Hey now, don’t knock them till you’ve checked them out yourself!), a meet and greet area for kids & some fave cartoon characters, and play area, and some other great things. Not to mention the booths by different vendors and service providers in and around town. There were draws and/or samples at many booths.
I loved how the Wal-Mart booth was giving away samples of diaper cream (which you also got in your welcome package at the door) and a handful of their store brand diapers for you to test out. Some vendors had some of their products on sale and/or provided coupons for their in store inventory. The show covered a wide range of things from pre-natal to post-natal and financial advice (ie: RESPs), and everything in between.
My fave giveaway was a coupon for a free photo session by a well-known name here in town. Hopefully, I can get an appointment….
After the show, we went out to eat at Baked Expectations. To quote Rachael Ray “yum-o”! I got my pavlova, so I was a happy girl.
Gotta love a good day.