We tend to take deep breaths before starting into something different. Before changing course, changing action.
Deep breath to push with the next contraction. Deep breath to slow down heart rate after exercising. Deep breath before uttering a heartfelt and honest confession aloud. Deep breath to slow down the sobs and the stream of tears. Deep breath to just relax and take a minute.
I take a deep breath to inhale the scent of mint hot chocolate. I take a deep breath just because I can. Thank God for good lungs–not everyone has a pair that function so well. I also take a deep breath just before changing a foul diaper. Whew–those can be nasty!
Deep breathing means reaching down deep inside of yourself. Like pulling the air out from your toes and going forward. A deep breath is also sometimes referred to as a cleansing breath. Try it right now.
Inhale deeply.
Exhale deeply.
See what I mean? It’s one of the easiest way to take a pause, a mini-break, even when you don’t have a full minute to sit down. It’s a great tool to use to help you slow down and just reflect. An entire prayer can be said as you breath deep.
I’m really enjoying these five minute posts. I look forward to the next topic, because I know that I will be challenged differently than I usually am during the rest of the week. If you’d like to play along: