The Written Word

The written word…

Is etched in time, but not limited to a time.

Is a record of the past.  Words are read today, propelling us into tomorrow.

Is history.  A way of tracking where we came from.  And who we came from.

Is encouragement.  Words motivate and inspire. They fill us with hope and keep us going forward especially when we’re running on fumes.

Is discipline.  They convict and convert.  A carefully timed words can help stop harmful behaviours and sin.

Cheers you.  A well-timed card or love note makes the heart flutter better than any energy drink.

Is evidence.  Proof that something did–or did not–occur.

Is also known as ‘God’s love letter’.  Divinely inspired, this book has lasted all throughout history and continues to be well-quoted and studied.

Is powerful.  The old adage of ‘sticks and bones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’ is a lie.  Straight up lie.  Words can be the warmest of hugs.  Delivered wrong, they can make you curl up into the fetal position wishing the ground would just gulp you down.  That’s power.

Is everywhere.  Signs on shop doors, posters around town, fortune cookies, printed in bathroom stalls.  Rap songs.  Text messages.  Foreclosure notices.  Acceptance letters. Labels and names.

Can be hidden.  Private journals, buried notes from a secret admirer, lost mail.

We all write words each day.  Even if you’re the only reader of the words, don’t take it lightly.

Every word counts!

The Written Word


  • Kaitlyn

    Love how varied each one is… but all accurate. So much power in the written word, for sure!

  • Nette

    Great addition to the link up today! I loved reading this, showing how words can affect us and how they can be everywhere in our lives.