Five Minute Friday: Finish

My mind immediately runs down the long list of tasks unfinished.  Usually I multitask to accomplish more things while simultaneously doing something else.  It’s not enough to sit during an informal chat on the phone.  Not while I could be folding clothes or stacking the dishwasher instead of sitting down.

But at the end of the day, big deal.  Eating on clean dishes is important and all, don’t get me wrong.  Yet, in the grand scheme of things—do I have my priorities right?  If my life were to end in the next instant, I certainly wouldn’t want my last memory or my legacy, if you will, to be ‘the doer of many things’. 

The apostle Paul sounds so certain when he says

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.  (2 Tim 4:7, NLT)

The faithfulness he’s referring to at the end of his life isn’t to his ‘To Do’ list.  Paul’s life went beyond his personal passions and dreams.  His main goal, upon conversion, was to stay faithful to God.  No matter what.  And he lived quite the life with experiences and persecutions that most of us wouldn’t even wish on our enemies.  Through it all, he remained faithful.  Nearing his death, he was able to say firmly that his race was done and that his prize was waiting for him.  Oh to have Paul’s confidence.

The race of life is full of hurdles, setbacks and distractions all designed to throw us off course.  By God’s amazing and unlimited grace, it’s never too late to continue racing.  We can get back on track right this very moment.  No need to wait for a Monday or until after this big test or that last hurrah.

There’s a prize awaiting us too.

FMF Finish

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Linking up with this five-minute Friday community today.


  • Jennifer Peterson

    I’m so glad I stopped by- this is beautiful Sabrina. To have Paul’s faith. To be faithful to the end!! Amen!

  • Ruth Marriott

    Yes. setbacks. Those are the things that stare us down and intimidate us into giving up forever, and never finishing what we set out to do. God give us the grace, and the perseverance, to overcome every setback with courage and faith. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts here today – they’re full of strength and encouragement!