Five Minute Friday: Mighty

In her moment of weakness, she reached out for prayer.  Eyes bloodshot and head throbbing, she had nothing left to give.  If it were up to her, she’d cave.  The temptation was too great for her lonely heart.  Yet, there was a tiny bit of strength left.  Farther than she could reach, she knew that power didn’t come from within.  It had to have been placed there, by Someone bigger and stronger.  Someone Mighty.

The decisions that are best for us often seem to be the most challenging.  They go against our grain, contrary to our nature.  If we’re honest, we would admit that we are flawed, hence why the good seems so wrong.  It’s easy to get settled in a rut.  Except that it traps us, making us captive.  It’s hard to escape from these ruts.  They’re everywhere: unhealthy lifestyles, stagnant relationships, dead end jobs, unfulfilled purpose.

God Almighty, who spoke the world into existence, did something different with us.  He got down in the dirt and handcrafted humans, in His image.  We’re too precious to be rut-dwellers.  Handmade items have a high value.  Everything associated with us is valuable to our maker.  He wants the best for us.  When we fill ourselves up with poor imitations of what seems best, it saps our strength and weakens us.  But He never abandons us.  God restores and reequips.

That is mighty.


I’m linking up with this Five-Minute Friday community.  Join us for more interpretations of ‘mighty’.

  • bluecottonmemory

    “We’re too precious to be rut-dwellers. Handmade items have a high value” – the visual just grabbed me. Rut-dwellers don’t make the work of their hands Holy – it is when they lift life in the rut (I am thinking jobs that provide but do not use our gifts necessarily) to God, do the best in it as a love offering to Him – that it becomes so much more. I think I hared off on path you didn’t quite intend me to take, but I so needed to be reminded of that!

  • Cathy

    Great article! So thankful for this Mighty God! I saw your link up above mine on Five Minute Friday. Check out my Blog at It is a blessing to connect!