*Update* From ‘Timely Words’ Post

I have an update to this post from a couple weeks back.  I can divulge a few more details.  The trouble brewing around my Hubby that day was work-related.  Management had opted to do another (the third within approximately 14 months) major round of cuts.  While they don’t have the exact number of how many were let go, the guestimation is that it was about two-thirds of the staff. 

That’s. A. Lot!
Thankfully, my Hubby is still employed…for now.  But there are no guarantees.  There was a cryptic follow-up message with a plan for twelve months from now.  Inquiring minds would love to know what exactly that means.  
Yet, we’re at peace.  We’re being intentional in trusting God.  Nothing is guaranteed, even during peaceful times.  It is possible to be filled with peace when we choose to trust God in the midst of uncertainty.
We see God working, giving us glimpses of hope just when we need them.  
For all that life is not, God is.