Climbing to New Heights

As a mom of young kids, escaping to use the bathroom is a calculating endeavor.  I must be sure that nothing can happen while I turn my back for a few moments.  I also guzzle a lot of water.  It’s my daily favourite; a must-have.  And, well, what goes in must also come out, right? 

Last week, I glanced around the living room.  The kids were watching something on tv.  I figured it would be a great time to slip into the bathroom, unnoticed.  (This was after watching eagerly for an opportune moment to get away.)

As soon as the door closed, I heard the familiar grating sound of kitchen chair being dragged across the floor.  Perhaps an older girl wanted to climb over the baby gate to get to up to her room.  As I washed my hands, I then heard the kitchen faucet being turned on and off, repeatedly.  Full blast!  Uh oh!  I thought.  What is Jamayia (my 6 year old) washing now?!

I rushed out of the bathroom, hearing the dollars wash down the drain each time the faucet turned on.  I rounded the corner and froze.  It was Rishayla!  My 22 month-old darling.  Except she wasn’t just playing in dirty dishwater this time. 

She was standing in. the. sink!!!!  I flew through a range of emotions within nanoseconds.  Shock.  Panic.  Annoyance at the extra laundry.  Worry (there was a *small* knife at the edge of the sink; a grater; other things that are unsafe for that age!!!). 

Yet, I quickly snapped out of my stunned pose and snapped her picture.

Would you believe she was completely dry?! 

Now to find other ways to harness my young acrobat. 

…Or get a catheter.

She’s in the sink!  She’s got skills, this one.