It seems that the more we ache in the yearning sense, it turns into an ache in the long, dull everlasting painful sense. Ache. Even the word itself sound quite uncomfortable.
Perhaps this is a good thing. If we’re aching, maybe we’ll try to solve the problem? That annoyance, though dull and oftentimes tolerable, would hopefully push us towards improvement.
We’ve learn to live with pain. Many an empire is built on teaching techniques for “coping” with the pain. There is all sort of self-abuse happening in other to quiet the steady ache. If you can’t numb the ache, then the latest suggestion is to numb yourself. Alcohol, drugs, sex, lies. Vacation, lavish shopping trips, frivolous spending, food. All those claim to help take your mind off things. But we skip the fine print–these things are only temporary and have horrendous side effects.
Maybe the ache is there for us to grow. To learn to stop relying so heavily on self and to start focusing on God. He’s really gifted at making aches go away. For good. He’s excellent at being a pain killer and making life better than tolerable. No, we’ll never fully float carefreely on clouds this side of heaven. But with Him, we’ll surely come as close as possible.