Do I Look Like A Chicken?

I sure feel like one lately.  There are many posts that get composed, then contained all inside my head.  Words just flowing freely, written brilliantly, with descriptions to envelop the reader. 

Yet they bottled up inside because I’m too nervous to write them down.  I once worried about whether or not my dear readers would appreciate the message or my words.  But I don’t write for the sole purpose of attracting readership.  I love my readers and that fact that people actually do “follow” my blog.  How cool is that?!  Thank you!!  I also know that you’re not here because I’m some super-genius writing connoisseur. 

My deeper worry is that I won’t do justice to the message.  There are many a thing I feel impressed to share.  Ideas and lessons that I have been gifted to put into words.  Maybe just one person will read it and be impacted in a positive way.

Despite worry is reality.  If.  When I don’t share what’s been impressed upon me, I’m actually stifling the message.  I’m blocking somebody’s blessing.  What a sobering thought.  What an uncool thought!  I don’t want to be a hindrance.  I prefer to be a vessel. 

So, here’s to March and open hearts and words.  Here’s to remembering some great advice from The Message Bible:

God doesn’t want us to be shy with his gifts, but bold and loving and sensible.  2 Timothy 1:7