I’ll Keep on Blogging

Thank you to my loyal readers.  Some of you I have yet to “meet”.  Yet, I know you read this blog regularly.  To those who have left comments–I appreciate your kind words and your encouragement.  Your words, your acknowledgement of what I’d written have helped me feel like I’m not the only one who sees life in this way.

So much has gone on this past year.  There’s been a lot of reflecting time all over, and in the blogosphere in particular.  During these last few days of December, many people are linking up to posts and/or bloggers that have impacted them.  Others are reflecting on their own favourite self-productions from 2011.  Still others reliving the memories of what they’ve experienced and learned. 

I have written some memorable posts.  I have read many more that have helped to reshape my thinking.  With gentle encouragement and coaxing, I’ve been stretched.  In some spots, things are so taut, so tightly pulled that there’s a risk of snapping.  While I’ve come close, I have not broken.

I have a whole slew of other posts which are pretty much non-existent.  I never wrote them.  For a mix of reasons, there were moments in 2011 where I held back from revealing too much.  I believe that in a few cases, I could’ve shared generalities of my experiences, without harm to anyone or anything else.  While others may have been involved, I feel as though I should be able to share my viewpoint if I so desire.

What matters is how I choose to share.

If I point fingers, call names, go on personal rants in a public setting which could be misconstrued for attacks, I’d be doing nothing but setting little fires here and there.  I’d be like a pyromaniac, who has no discretion when it comes to flames.  My words could get me charged with verbal arson.  That’s not my intent.

My hope, my aim is to encourage my readers.  Sometimes with humour, mostly by sharing my life lessons.  I don’t know everything–I don’t even know a fraction of much.  But I don’t think that people are looking to know everything either.  They just want real stories, from real people, and how they really coped in a real situation.  The good, the bad and the ugly…

…and then some.