The Choice Is Ours

Free choice, while a free gift, does come with a high price.

I have a relative who was raised in a Christian environment and taught all about God.  Education was done at a private Christian school, helping to emphasize and reinforce the teachings in the home.  However, the home life wasn’t the most ideal.  As a result of a combination of things, this relative has chosen to turn away from God.  Completely.

It’s their choice to do so.  God has given all of us the power of free choice.  He outlines in His Word the benefits and blessings of life with Him and the great reward.  He also outlines what life is like without Him in it.  It isn’t as promising as life with Him.  Yet, in the end, the choice lies with each one of us.  We can choose either way.  And you also have the power to change your mind.

I know a number of people.  Not all are Christians, nor have they all been taught about the option of living life with God.  Yet, for the most part, the majority of these people are nice, kind, generous, sincere and loving in their own way.  Some are searching for a deeper meaning to life and are going along a more self-directed thinking.  Others recognize the need to acknowledge the power that is beyond them, outside of themselves and so, choose God.

The relative who has chosen to turn away from God has done so with such a vengeance and anger that it has made them bitter and spiteful and unattractive.  What a lonely life.  It’s been sad to watch.  Yet, it’s their choice.  Regardless of what I think and regardless of what I believe, it’s not my role to act as persuader.  Even if it helps them to become nicer.

All I can do is hope that my life painted a different picture of God than the horrible memories they’re clinging too from years past and refuse to forgive others for. 

This is enough motivation to always choose life.