Five Minute Friday: On Friends

I don’t have a lot of friends.  I’ve always struggled in the friend-making department.  Breaking the ice?  Not my forté.  I’m great at halting conversation, not at carrying it.  Not because I want to willingly kill a conversation, but because I sometimes don’t know what you say that’s genuine.  Especially if I’m not feeling the person right at that moment.

Regardless of all that, I can still be a friend.  Just because I may not have a long list of people beating down at my door, filling my echoingly empty social calendar with dates and outings  and playdates doesn’t mean that I’m completely clueless.  I still choose to be a great friend. 

I’ve thought a bit about what I’d want a friend to be for me.  And that’s part of what I’m trying to follow.  No sense in having a list of desirable qualities in a friendship if you’re not planning to ever reciprocate. 

Then, there’s the ultimate in friends:  Jesus.  Have you started to take careful notes as to how Jesus does friendship?  He never quits.  He never stops loving.  He forgives always and forgets all about it.  He never holds a grudge.  Jesus always offer friendship on the ultimate level to everyone, and that’s without us even proving ourselves.
Your turn.  The thing about “five minute friday”, at least for me, is that the first 4.5 minutes are spent trying to compose something sensible on the fly.  Then inspiration hits and I start rolling with it and then–
cut off!  Time’s up. 
Just spend the next 5 minutes writing freely, openly and without restraint.  You’ll be glad you did.  Click the button below if you’d like to link up.

  • Michelle

    Wow, that’s almost like you got inside my head! I’m so thankful for Jesus being my best friend & the greatest example of what a friend should look like!

  • Dolly @ Soulstops

    Thanks for sharing honestly and for pointing us all back to Jesus- the best friend one could ever have!

  • Kelly

    yep, Jesus is the ultimate in friends. He never leaves. He even picked out his 12 besties knowing that one would betray him to death. That’s crazy loyalty! Thanks for the post this morning, friend.

  • A Diamond in the Rough

    I connected with this because I think that like you (and myself) there are a lot of us who are great friends but don’t always make friends the easiest. You’re so right about Jesus- he is the ultimate friend and I know that if I can be that kind of friend to my small circle then no matter how small that circle I am a friend worth having. Thanks for linking up!

  • Jace

    Love that we don’t have to be something we’re not with our best Friend! Thank you for sharing!

  • The Lovely One

    Well said. I fit this category as well. I think I could be a great friend, I just don’t think I have the time or energy to put out the effort.

  • JNCL

    “…without us even proving ourselves.” That’s an extremely powerful statement. This was a thought-provoking post. I, too, don’t make friends that easily, and I know I’m not the easiest person to be friends with, but like you said, I try to be what I’d most want someone else to be for me when the chips are down, you know? Peace and blessings.
    The Beauty of Eclecticism