Five Minute Friday: Full

Full, in today’s world, is a complex concept.  The price of gas makes it very hard to full up your car’s tank.  Eating until you’re full is only a thin line away from being stuffed.  When you’re stuffed, you’re uncomfortable and unable to move.  Some people are full of love.  Others are full of hot air.  Or even worse–nothing at all.  There are people who are full of themselves only, while other people fill their lives with loving services towards humanity.

The key is finding a healthy balance.  I think that our best clue for a full life comes from the Word.

Actually, I don’t have a sense of needing anything personally. I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.  Philippians 4:11-13 (Message)

Until we empty our hearts of ourselves, we can never be full.  You’ve got to make room for God to live and reign in your life.  And the neat thing about God–He can work with tiny spaces.  Give Him a bit and a willing heart–you’ll be amazed and astonished at the transformation. 

He will push out the ugly, the pain, the selfishness and fill you with beauty and healing and selflessness. 

Once you’re full though, there’s a small catch–you’ve got to share it with someone else, one person at a time.  And don’t worry; you can never deplete your resource.  He will always refill, free of charge! 

This is the best concept of fulfillment that I can think of.  It’s the only feeling of fullness that I want.  In fact, God is so filling that it’s often times overwhelming.  You can get stuffed on His love.
Alrighty–your turn.  You’ve got 5 minutes to just write, and not worry about whether or not it’s right.  (Yes, pun fully intended.)  Click on the button below if you’d like to join in. 

  • Traci Michele

    I see a lot of this same theme… being empty before we can be full. Ahhhh so true!

    <3 Traci

    Here’s my first stab at this writing exercise: <3

    It was my first stab at it over at Ordinary Inspirations:

  • Wandering On Purpose

    “Until we empty our hearts of ourselves, we can never be full. “
    So true and so contrary to what the world teaches us. Thanks for the encouraging reminder on how to be truly full and how to use that fullness.