Five Minute Friday: Wonder

I’m trying not to get bogged down the by limits of wonder.  Let me explain what I mean.  I often wonder things, but never really act on them or take it a step further. 

I wonder how this lady at church would look with a beauty makeover…but I’ve never approached her with hair & clothing suggestions.

I wonder how so and so is doing…and only recently have I started emailing/contacting them.  (I’m not a phone fan; I prefer emails.)

I wonder how it would be to have a flat stomach…but I’m not ready to totally abandon the very restricted & limited sweet tooth.

Do you see what I mean?  I tend to wonder a lot, about the more distant things in life, but never act on them.  I’m working hard at reshaping my thinking.  I had a birthday this week (yay!) and made some resolutions for myself.  One is to do.  Just do & do better, whatever it is I’m doing.  So rather than just wonder all the time, it’s time to take things up a notch and actually act on the wonders, whenever applicable.

Seeing this week’s topic of “wonder” immediately had Psalm 139:14 pop into my head.  The NLT version says this: 

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!  Your workmanship is marvelous–how well I know it.

Complex, alone, can sound difficult and uninviting.  But add the word ‘wonderfully’ in front and the context changes into something intriguing and worth looking at.  In fact, add ‘wonderfully’ to nearly any word and it’s a whole new ballgame…
Time up!  It’s your turn now.  Give it a shot, whether in your private journal, a blank document screen on your computer or on your own blog.  All you need is five minutes. 


  • Caroline

    A great verse to go along with this post! Yes, this creation is full of wonder.


    i smiled the whole way through reading this.
    how about that lady at church…ohh lol.
    i wonder some of the same things…
    Happy birthday and i think you are on to something with the fine tuning what you already have.