I Can’t Resist Commenting…

I just read this interview between Mariah Carey & Larry King. Many things stuck out, but I don’t really want to take a whole post to discuss my thoughts on Mariah Carey. The one thing that I couldn’t resist though was where she said she feels “eternally 12”. As in twelve years old.

This sticks out because of the resounding silence over that comment, in contrast to another celebrity who has made similar-ish claims and there was a media frenzy. Michael Jackson. He wanted to capture his childhood forever. Hence his ranch “Neverland” and his desire to surround himself with all things fun & children & child-like. In his interview with Oprah, Michael was sharing how he never had a typical childhood and really, really missed out on it. So, as an adult with full control of his life, he, in his own way, reverted back to that. And yet, he was so blatantly attacked by the media for that and heavily criticized for trying to ensure that other children didn’t have such misery as he did.

So, Mariah, for whatever reason, wants to stay a big kid. It’s part of what links her to her husband, who is 10 years her junior. They’re both big kids, by her own admission. I’m wondering then why is it okay for her, and it wasn’t for Michael? They both want(ed) the same thing…

I’ve thought about this for some time, especially after seeing Michael’s interview with Oprah a couple months ago. I think we can all identify with him on some level. Most of us have something (or maybe have even lacked something) in our childhoods that we have internally vowed to do (or not do) for other children in our future. Maybe we had such happy memories of holiday traditions that we vow to ensure that our own offspring experience the same. Maybe we have tragic and preferably forgettable memories of childhood that we pray another child would never have to experience.

Just because our pain or happiness is not public or unknown doesn’t make celebrities any less saner than we are. They are human too, like all the other earthlings on this planet.

That’s all.

Back to regular blogging soon…