Give Me Grace: Joy in Him

I take joy in doing Your will, my God...

“I take joy in doing your will, my God, for your instructions are written on my heart.” – Psalm 40:8 (NLT)

Lord, please show me Your will.

As I began to pray, I found myself asking God—again—what is His will for my life.

Again. It seems to be a request I make quite regularly.

Then God spoke to me mid-prayer.

He’s been showing me His will for some time now but I was confusing myself.

I was asking for His will but expecting to hear about my purpose.

Will and purpose are two completely different topics, in my mind.

Purpose has to do with how God is going to use me.

Will is what God wants for me; how He wants me to live.

He’s been showing me His will all along.

Throughout His Word, He says trust Him. Depend on Him. Give Him everything. He cares about every single detail of our lives. He forgives freely and completely. He restores.

He loves unconditionally.

I need to take joy in doing His will; in living my life as it currently is. I’m not to wait until I fully understand my purpose.

Even if I’m unclear about what to do, it’s clear about how I should be living.

I can find joy right now, in Him.


I’m linking up over at Lisha’s place today.

Tuesday At Ten {Seek}

I’m linking up with Karen for the first time, as she hosts a Tuesday at Ten linkup.
Also linking up with Lisha and the #GiveMeGrace community.

Tuesday At Ten

‘Ready or not, here I come!’ is usually said during the game hide-and-seek. My children enjoy playing this game as they’re convinced that I will never find them. They enjoy seeking out little spots hoping to be inconspicuous. They don’t realize that their giddy snickers usually give them away long before I’m anywhere nearby. It’s fun for them.

The game ‘hide & seek’ could have originated in the Garden of Eden.

God created a flawless world with breathtaking scenery and majestic creatures of all shapes and sizes. He also handcrafted humans. Adam and Eve.

With loving generosity, our Creator gifted us with free will. We decide which choices to make based on the information set before us. Except for one tree and solid warnings, He held nothing back.

Because the world was perfect, God hung out regularly with Adam and Eve. No hiding in cliffs or seeing only His back. Time with God meant a whole other thing than we know it today.

Then sin marred the picture. The moment that Adam and Eve sinned, they experienced a change that made them uneasy. They donned garments in attempts to cover up their shame. I’d imagine that their bright, clear eyes now shone with worry and glistened with the threat of tears. Things were no longer right.

Ready or not, here came God. This time, when God came calling, they hid.

Unwilling to miss their time together, He went seeking.

And found them.

We cannot hide from God, no matter how hard we try. He is always seeking for us, His children.

Willing and ready to shower us with His grace.

Give Me Grace: Hope

The guest speaker this weekend encouraged us to use the one tool that we all have available to us: our story.

Give Me Grace-

He shared how hearing another pastor’s life story at a tumultuous time of his life gave him the much needed gift of hope that he was so desperate for. One person took the time to sit with him, listen without judgment and share his own personal story too. Not to ‘one up’ the young man, nor to belittle his story. But to encourage him by testifying of how God is moving in his life. That moment made the world of different for this young man and altered the course of his life in a positive way.

He encouraged those of us in the congregation to share our stories. To tell others about what God has done in our lives and pass on the gift of hope. Everyone has a story that will change a person’s heart.

As I listened, I began asking God to show me how to use my story. I tend to think that there isn’t much, but that’s not true. In fact, while driving home the other day, God brought something to mind that I know I need to share with someone. And this was before I heard the sermon this weekend. This blog is my platform to tell about God and His amazing love for me. And His amazing love for you.

Lord, guide my words and my heart as I tell my story. It’s not for fame or glitz. You have given me experiences specific to me, to mold me. So that I can be used to fulfill the unique purpose that you have designed for me to do. For Your glory.


I’m linking up with with the #GiveMeGrace community over at Lisha’s.