Finding Freedom In Our Stories

Jesus said, “You’re asking the wrong question. You’re looking for someone to blame. There is no such cause-effect here. Look instead for what God can do.  (John 9:3, The Message)

Story telling is an art.  The ones we love to hear are dramatic and descriptive.  We’re transported right into the scene alongside the narrator.  Novels are critiqued for their storylines, their plots.  When the story is right, then someone is willing to invest in moving the story from page to screen.  No producer spends a ton of money with the intention of producing a snore-fest.  Stories are great.

Until they’re ours. 

When it comes to our story, many times we prefer to stay close-lipped.  There’s risk of boring someone or being misunderstood.  Let’s not talk about the all-too-familiar rejection.  Then there’s the falsehood we tell ourselves: that our story doesn’t matter or doesn’t count.  That there are others with the same story who can retell it much better than you can anyways.  So, we’ll leave the spotlight for them.  Except we’re practically bursting at the seams wanting to reveal our innermost selves as we hold back our tongues.

Freedom (in)

What happens to us is part of a bigger picture.  When we share our stories, we are showcasing what God has done, can do and will continue to do for us.  There is freedom in sharing our story.  Freedom for the teller and freedom for the receiver.  Someone needs your personal testimonial, even if you never know who.  They want to know and understand how someone similar to them found the strength to conquer this obstacle.  They want to know that they are not alone.

As the teller, you provide an authenticity to the story that is unmatched.  Your ethnicity, marital status, parental status,  spirituality, insight, ideas may all be similar in some way to another.  But they are never identical because there is only one you.

There is freedom in sharing your story.  Freedom for others to experience God and His almighty glory for themselves. 

The same way that you have.

Five Minute Friday: Exhale

The ability to exhale and inhale is a vital sign of life.  Breathing, and the lack thereof, marks either life or death.  I think of when God handcrafted Adam.  By the artistic flair of His fingers, every perfect part of Adam’s physical body was set into place.  But that wasn’t the end.  God didn’t call Adam into life, though that would’ve been very easy for Him to do.  He’d just spent the previous six days calling the world and all its parts into existence, after all. No, God opted to give Adam life by breathing into him.  Adam’s response was to inhale and


If you’ve ever had to fight for your next breath, you realize that it’s not something to be taken lightly.  Panic can quickly drown us, causing us to flail even harder to keep breathing.

In order to take a next breath, you need to let out the previous one.  In order for us to keep progressing in life, we need to let go of old air in order to take in the new.  Free up the lungs of life by keeping our atmospheres clear.  Stop letting sin and negativity contaminate our air. Toxic relationships can also be a hindrance similar to the effects of second hand smoke.

Our lives are too precious to be choked out.  Trust God to be your personal filter.  He has a special purpose for each of us.  We need to keep breathing in order to stay alive for His work to be accomplished in us.

In and out.

FMF exhale ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I’m exhaling with this five-minute Friday community today

{Give Me Grace} Thoughts on Purpose

“Your purpose is to be in relationship with God.”–Pastor Seth Yelorda

This line in a sermon about fatherhood jumped out at me because of it’s simplicity.  I tend to substitute my idea of purpose for God’s reality of purpose.  My idea is that purpose is what I’m supposed to ‘do’ with my life. How I’m to make a name for myself…become famous… earn a living.  I get caught up in praying that God will take my passion and transform me into an active person doing cool things for Him.  This gradually becomes my focus and I live each day wondering how I can fine tune my desires to gain God’s blessing.

God does care about my desires and my wants.  What I do with my life matters deeply to HIm.  But life is much more than that.  My ultimate purpose is to be closely connected to God.  To develop and nurture a relationship with Him.  Not for what I can get out of it but because He loves me so profoundly and securely.

GiveMeGrace purpose



Sharing a few unedited thoughts about purpose.  Linking up with Lisha for the first time ever and her #GiveMeGrace community.

Five Minute Friday: Lost

No one could have predicted this would happen.  Stage lights flooded the stage as the band played through the worship set.  It was the last night of music of the week-long event.  The first song went well.  The intro for the second song began.  The worship leader was giving a verbal preamble before the singing started.  As the pianist played along listening intently for the cues, dread crept up.  The worship leader seemed to be giving an intro into the third song.  Except that the entire band was playing the second song.  And then he said the unthinkable…

…Join us as we sing ______________


It was the wrong song, set in a completely different key.  And the only one who was panicking was the pianist.  An avid sight-reader, she cannot play by ear.

Dear God, Oh God, Oh God! was the prayer her heart repeated.  She couldn’t play one chord for an entire song.

Lost in transposition hell.

A small whisper came to her rescue.  The guitarist behind her could sense her panic and began to call out the chords.  C#… A… E… G#…  This musical genius, whom she’d only just met hours earlier, saved her big time!


I wish all my lost moments went as gracefully as this one.  I wish I would only stumble along for a few moments, and regain my confidence when Someone would reach out and direct my steps.  But that’s not always the case.

There are times when I get lost following good directions to the letter.  But if a step is missing, or the count is off, then it’s very easy to veer off the path though no fault of my own.

Then there are the times when I get lost all on my own.  Ignoring sound advice, choosing my own way.  Being cocky and believing that I know better.  Most times I don’t.

In both cases, I’m thankful that God is the best searcher and rescuer out there.  He never gives up on looking for me and finding me.  When I’m willing to follow Him—His ways, His steps, His directions—I  cannot get lost.

Nor be lost.

FMF Lost


Linking up with this five-minute Friday community today.

Five Minute Friday: Release

In a moment of surety, she yanked the royal tiara from her carefully coiffed head and flung it into the abyss below.  This was her moment of release.  This act was her delivery from the prison-like life that she’d always known.  Gone was the familiarity of the enclosed walls of her chambers.  She was out in nature, living like one of the elements.  Unrestrained and unconfined.

This scene from Frozen struck me the moment I saw it because it’s rarely what we do.  We try to live the best of all worlds crammed into our one tiny little life.  We hide secrets and hoard skeletons.  We use all manner of designs, clothing, makeup, hairstyles, jewelry, shoes, purses, etc to ‘look the part’.  In our innermost private places, we allow ourselves the freedom to be who we are…as long as no one else sees.  It is hard to release security for the unknown.

Most of us can identify with this other young man.  He was well-liked and very well-known. Active in his community, he got involved in everything.  Helped here, participated there. His goal was to look like he was living out his faith.  Yet, he had a void.  There was something missing, that he couldn’t quite put his hand on.  No amount of volunteer work could fulfill him.  Finally, a famous Teacher was passing through.

This young man ran up to Jesus and asked him “What must I do to get eternal life?”  The reply shook him to the core.  “Jesus looked him hard in the eye–and loved him!  He said ‘There is one thing left: Go sell whatever you own and give it to the poor.  All your wealth will then be heavenly wealth.  And come follow me.’  The man’s face clouded over.  This was the last thing he expected to hear, and he walked off with a heavy heart.  He was holding tight to a lot of things, and not about to let go.”  {Mark 10, the Message Bible}

He wasn’t ready to release.  To make that complete surrender and find freedom outside of himself.  He wanted to live for Christ…as long as it was on his own terms.   The things were too important that he made sure to grip them tightly.  You cannot let go of anything if you refuse to open your hands and your heart.

Without that release, you’re too full all the wrongs things and won’t have room to receive the heavenly gifts that Christ wants to shower us with.  FMF Release


Linking up with this Five-Minute Friday community today.

Five Minute Friday: Messenger

Elijah.  And Balaam.  These are the first two who came to mind as I saw this prompt.

Delivering messages was one of prophet Elijah’s main duties.  God would give him a direct word, which he would then relay directly to someone else.  There’s the time when Elijah marched right up to King Ahab, told him it wouldn’t rain or even have dew for the next few years until God said it was time again, and then walked out.  He had not requested a meeting with the king.  There was no press release or alert of a press conference so that people were prepared to receive the word.  Elijah didn’t even take the time to shop for a new outfit.

Balaam was also a messenger, though not the poster boy most of us would think of.  The king asked him to come and curse the Israelites and offered to pay him.  God told him no…and Balaam went anyways.  Then God said He would be in charge of the message. Balaam’s intent was to do his job and fill his wallet.  In this case, he would gladly curse God’s people if it meant coming out the richer.  Balaam, despite the warning signs and crazy encounters found himself in a position to act as a harmful messenger.  But when he opened his mouth to speak, God’s words came out instead.  Everyone was shocked.

God uses messengers all the time.  Sometimes they’re obvious; sometimes they’re reluctant. He uses US as His messengers.  Sometimes the message is easy–like encouraging someone.  Sometimes the message is very difficult–like a warning or bad news.  Despite our human hearts, we can be used for divine purpose. 

That’s grace right there!  We can’t get caught up in aesthetics, stats and readership.

When our platforms stand on ‘thus saith the Lord’, we’ll have an unexpected outcome.

FMF Messenger



Today I’m one of many messengers. Find more at this link up here.

Five Minute Friday: Hands

My childrens’ devotional book referred to John 10:28 today.  Jesus holds us tightly in His hands, with a promise to never let go and to never be snatched away.  And He keeps all… ALL…of His promises.


I looked at my own hands after reading that verse.  They’re ashy and well worked.  Clean, but unmoisturized as the little blessings in my home constantly require something that makes applying lotion seem wasteful.  My fingernails are currently longer than I prefer to have them.  Oooh, and how I’d love to get a manicure.  One of these days, maybe.

But they’re intact.  My hands are whole and complete.

Jesus has holes in His hands.  They were nailed to a cross, just to save lil’ me.  And you too.  These were the days before cosmetic repair surgeries.  It was done roughly; the nailers weren’t going through any pains to assure that bones were avoided or that major arteries were spared.  In addition to the nails going in through his hands, there was the actual cross.  It was neither stained nor sanded.  I’m sure there were splinters galore in His hands to add to the discomfort and torture of crucifixion.

During His brief life, Christ touched everyone, literally.  He touched people.  Raised them from the dead, healed them of diseases, physical and spiritual.  He cuddled children and consoled grieving hearts.  He even spat in the dirt to make mud and applied it to the eyes of a blind man.  He pulled a then self-reliant and drowning disciple out of the water.  He even restored a man to wholeness after amputation.

My hands feel somewhat inadequate.  Jesus, full of perfect love in this flawed world, never hesitated to touch anyone.  The idea of germs and ickyness stops me from touching a lot of things.  And even a lot of people.  Christ’s example gives me hope that I can do better.

Lord, may I not be afraid to use my hands to lead people to Your mighty hands.

FMF Hands


On Fridays, we write freely from the heart.  We still the editing voices and bravely hit ‘Publish’.  You can more here.

Five Minute Friday: Nothing


When your favourite person wants to drop by and they call a few minutes ahead to ask you what you’re doing–the response is often “Oh nothing”.  Except that you can easily be up to your elbows in chores and have a few different things going on, never mind the fact that your house itself is not prepared for public viewing…  All that matters is that you’re willing to drop everything to spend that quality time with that special person.  Besides, nothing you were doing before the call is as valuable as this visit.

Or when there is so much going on in your mind.  As you’re making plans for the big dinner that you’re hosting months from now and mentally compiling your shopping list and party prep plans, your mind tends to run away with every tangent possible.  Yet, let someone you don’t trust well enough to confide in ask you what’s on your mind.  The response is usually “Oh, nothing”.

Nothing seems to be the go-to response; the easy out.  The easiest way to let someone know that they either mean the very most to you or the very least.  But all the things that matter most to us can never be considered as nothing.  I’m grateful for a Saviour and His gracious way of catering to me in my nothingness.  He cares about all the fine details.

When I’m tempted to think that it’s nothing, to Him it’s everything.

That’s the best thing.

Untitled design

Joining up with this fabulous Five-Minute Friday community.

The Power of Encouragement

I refer to it as The Elijah Complex.  A moment when you feel so utterly alone and discouraged and begin to second-guess yourself.  Suddenly you start to question life and your existence and if anyone even notices you…

Cue encouragement.

That one gesture from an unsuspecting corner of the world that makes you smile.  Elijah got his.  Not in anything super huge—not that God can’t do huge.  He does ginormous each and every day.  But what Elijah needed in his moment of despair was a small voice to boost his low confidence.  Encouragement comes in just the form that we need it.  Because that’s how God rolls.  He meets our needs how we need them met.

Encouragement is also one of the many ways God uses us.  To stir up someone, helping to restore their faith.  Often it’s unbeknownst to me when God is using me to encourage someone else.  He gives me a nod and my only task is to trust Him and obey.  In following through, others are blessed.  It’s better this way, I think.  Because then I don’t become distracted from the task at hand.  If I knew beforehand who I was to encourage and when, then I may find myself caught up in impressing the recipient rather than focused on obeying God.

For those who do it well, they are said to have the gift of encouragement.  But this thing is so powerful that even if it’s not your gift, you can still work within your gifts to encourage those around you.  Everyone needs a lift from time to time, including ourselves.  Trust those odd impressions that God lays on your heart and follow through.  You may never know the outcome.

Five Minute Friday: Close

If you want closeness with others, then you cannot keep yourself closed off.

This is a hard reality for many, particularly for women.  And yes, even among believers. Betrayal hurts, cutting deep into the subconscious future.  The pain resurfaces when we least expect, haunting us in the cloudier times of life.  As a result of hurt, it’s easier safer to withdraw.  To bottle up your true self in hopes of deflecting negative judgement.

And while this may work for a short while, the relationships feel unfulfilled and void…of something we can’t quite label.  You’re not sure if confiding your innermost self is worth the high risk of this great investment.

Yet, this is what life is about.  In order to be close, to have a special intimacy with someone, you have to take that risk.

Christ took it for us–for you and for me.  He left the comforts of heavenly perfection with no guarantee of acceptance on our part.  He gave His all.  His very own life.  And for those of us who have accepted this precious gift, we are experiencing a closeness with Him that is unparalleled.

He’s not requiring me to die on a cross.  He just asks me to trust Him as He pilots me through the uncertainty of relationships….


Ahhh, five-minute Friday time again.  Grab your favourite writing tool and see where today’s prompt takes you.