Tuesday At Ten {Seek}

I’m linking up with Karen for the first time, as she hosts a Tuesday at Ten linkup.
Also linking up with Lisha and the #GiveMeGrace community.

Tuesday At Ten

‘Ready or not, here I come!’ is usually said during the game hide-and-seek. My children enjoy playing this game as they’re convinced that I will never find them. They enjoy seeking out little spots hoping to be inconspicuous. They don’t realize that their giddy snickers usually give them away long before I’m anywhere nearby. It’s fun for them.

The game ‘hide & seek’ could have originated in the Garden of Eden.

God created a flawless world with breathtaking scenery and majestic creatures of all shapes and sizes. He also handcrafted humans. Adam and Eve.

With loving generosity, our Creator gifted us with free will. We decide which choices to make based on the information set before us. Except for one tree and solid warnings, He held nothing back.

Because the world was perfect, God hung out regularly with Adam and Eve. No hiding in cliffs or seeing only His back. Time with God meant a whole other thing than we know it today.

Then sin marred the picture. The moment that Adam and Eve sinned, they experienced a change that made them uneasy. They donned garments in attempts to cover up their shame. I’d imagine that their bright, clear eyes now shone with worry and glistened with the threat of tears. Things were no longer right.

Ready or not, here came God. This time, when God came calling, they hid.

Unwilling to miss their time together, He went seeking.

And found them.

We cannot hide from God, no matter how hard we try. He is always seeking for us, His children.

Willing and ready to shower us with His grace.

Five Minute Friday: Leave


‘We’re terminating your position effective…’ I half tuned out.

Laid off!

I was being asked to leave my job because in efforts to cut costs (aka salaries) they were eliminating positions across the country. I was presented with two options:

  • Leave that day, with a severance package.
  • Work for another number of weeks equivalent to the amount of my severance package. I was promised time off for job interviews outside the company.

It’s nothing personal, my director offered in cheap reassurance. They just saw a list of names and picked yours.

Inwardly, I rolled my eyes. It’s one thing to feel like an unknown employee. To hear it verbalized by management made it worse.

This reminds me of another who was asked to leave under a better set of circumstances.

God told Abram “Leave.” Leave the coziness of home and go to foreign territory. At this point, he wasn’t even given the name of his new town—he would be shown where to go. God didn’t leave him hopeless, feeling unwanted or unappreciated. There were great blessings ahead of Abram, which were described for him so that he knew the conditions of his leaving.

I made the decision to stay and work through my severance. Partway through, the company retracted the termination notice and decided to keep me my position. There was no apology or retribution for what had happened. It didn’t make me feel any more welcome or valued there. It was simply more convenient for my position to remain at our local office, rather than the head office, which was in another province.

Abram chose to take God at His word and follow blindly. He packed up his family and his possessions and left. There were struggles along the way—Abram’s life wasn’t lived perfectly. His gracious God blessed him regardless, because He had promised so from the very beginning.

“Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you.” –Deut 31:6 (the Message)

God never leaves us! People may leave us or ask us to leave them. Emotions will be mixed with confusion and uncertainty as we pack up our things. But we must remember that God is right beside us through the entire process.


I’m linking up with Kate today in the Five-Minute Friday community.

Five Minute Friday: Dare


One day in elementary school, my classmates and I were chatting away while lined up at the door to leave the room. Their language was more colourful than mine, with bursts of swear words popping here and there. Suddenly a friend honed in on silent me and realized that I did not swear. In fact, I never swore. She figured that I had never uttered those words in my entire life.

And she was correct—I did not use that type of language. Though I knew that it wasn’t appropriate for a Christian to say those things, I wasn’t about to admit that to her. I shrugged it off.

Then she dared me to swear. She bet that I couldn’t do it.

Not one to fail a challenge, I whispered some ‘things’ for her ears only. (Sorry Mom!) The look on her face was a mix of shock and delight that I wasn’t as ‘goody-goody’ as everyone else claimed.

My venture with swearing was very short-lived; only a couple weeks long. But I had caved into the dare when it wasn’t worth the risk. There was no reward. It was bad enough that I was trying to hide my Christianity, knowing that being a believer was an awkward thing at that age. In choosing to engage in swearing, I took my witness a few steps backwards.

What is it about a dare that is so alluring? Under normal circumstances, we may avoid the temptation. Add in a challenge to perform the opposite way though? Suddenly our inner rebel awakens and we at least entertain the thought, if not follow through.

Why don’t we dare each other in more productive ways? Why not dare someone to graduate with honours? Let’s dare each other to eat well and live healthy lives? No one has ever dared me to live with modesty.

I’d like to challenge you & myself. Not for anything risqué, but to live better. Maybe to change how you think about yourself and your life.

I dare you to trust God more.
I dare you to be obedient, especially when it seems senseless.
I dare you to believe that you are worthy of His love.


I’m linking up with Kate and her five-minute Friday community today.

Five Minute Friday: Long


Elijah challenged the people: “How long are you going to sit on the fence? If God is the real God, follow him; if it’s Baal, follow him. Make up your minds!” Nobody said a word; nobody made a move. (I Kings 18:21, Message)

I can be a slow decision maker, particularly with high-priced or valuable items. If I need to purchase an appliance or home school curriculum, for example, I will spend time perusing the internet for feedback. I need to hear experiences from real users in similar situations to know if or not this product or item may be suitable for my needs. I’m trying to avoid buyer’s regret by taking all these steps.

Things were getting overly corrupt in and around the Israelites…again. Elijah challenged the people to make a choice. They’d been weighing the matter long enough. Time was up. Were they going to choose the real God or the false Baal?

God had proven himself repeatedly to the world. He’d shown His glory and majesty and sovereignty in miraculous ways. Yet, too many still opted to turn a blind eye to God and His impeccable record. They preferred to flirt with a false, unproven God than to have faith in One who was also the Creator. Sadly, no one responded to Elijah’s call.

So they went on to have a demonstration between the various believers. The Baal worshippers spent hours beseeching for their cries to be heard. They exhausted themselves to no avail. Then Elijah stepped up, saturated his altar with water, and received a response from God within a matter of moments. When the people witnessed God’s amazing reply to Elijah’s call, they immediately began to acknowledge Him. Finally.

But it was too late by then. They had waited too long and the Baal prophets had their lives cut short that very day.

When I have all necessary information in front of me, why drag out the decision?


Linking up with Kate and her five minute Friday community today.

Five Minute Friday: Care

C a r e We were the only two people crossing paths in the hall.

‘Hey!’ she said with a smile. ‘How are you?’

I paused mid-step with intention of replying. But she didn’t stop. She kept on walking, without so much as a glance in my direction.

Huh?? I was confused. She had asked me a question. If she didn’t want to carry on a conversation, that was alright with me. This was the workplace, after all. But why didn’t she just hold her tongue and smile? Or even just left it at a simple hello? Why take the time to add in the ‘how are you’ part?

Realization hit me hard in the back hallway.

She did not care.

From that moment, I vowed to be honest with people. If I was not interested in their response, or if I didn’t have the time to stop and listen to what the other person had to say, I refused to ask ‘how are you?’ I didn’t want to mislead anyone, friend or foe.

Thankfully, God cares! My Creator regards me as a precious treasure. He saw me before I was even born and has precious thoughts about me (Psalm 139:16, 17). Not only does He care a great deal for me, He also cares about me (1 Peter 5:7). The stuff that matters to me? He wants to be entrusted with it so that He can take care of all those things because they’re a part of my life. No detail of our lives is too petty for God to handle.

God loves to ask us how we’re doing. He is eager to hear all the specifics of whatever is on our hearts–the good, the bad, the ugly. He is patient and graceful and always, always has time for us.


I’m linking up with Kate as she leads the five-minute Friday community.

Five Minute Friday: Hold

Five Minute Friday- (3)

I had started writing an entirely different post. I had a cute story and lesson that I was about to share. Hearing the text message chime, I paused the writing. My husband was out and I needed to see if it was him. The message turned out to be from a dear friend. Choosing not to hold back, my friend sent me a quick message though the hour was late.

We had a brief chat, where she testified of what God is doing in her life and how He is providing. She’s learning new things at this stage of life and is working to find a healthy balance. One of those new elements is that she’s a new mom.

‘I don’t know how you do it with 4!’ she respectfully exclaimed.

Usually when I hear this comment, I tend to hold back. Not wanting to overwhelm a new parent with the brutal honesty of parenting—and four times over!– I do the ‘smile & nod’ routine, giving some pat reply. Those scripted replies can be void of most true feelings.

But not today. With the prompt of ‘hold’ sitting at the front of my mind, I let go.

I openly encouraged this new mom who is alongside me in the trenches of parenthood. I told her that my kids came one at a time and that I gained my experience one moment at a time. There are days when the devil messes with your head, making you question your very existence and wonder if you’re just wasting your life away.

But the rest of the time? We can hear God’s voice and see His almighty hand as He reassures us that we’re doing our best with the precious gift He’s entrusted to us.

Had I held back tonight, I would have missed offering my friend some needed support and encouragement. And I would have missed out on sharing about God and what He’s doing in my life.


You can join Kate and other at the five-Minute Friday community found here.

Five Minute Friday: Ready


Hands poised over the keyboard, I was ready to write my five-minute post last night. I had spent some time in my ‘brainstorm room’ (aka: shower stall) and came up with something decent to start from. But when I sat to write it out, I was interrupted by my 3-year and her urgent need.

After helping her, I was no longer prepared to write anything. What little energy I’d had left was used rushing her to the bathroom…changing my own pants. I set my alarm before bed, intending to be up early and ready to write.

The kids awoke before the alarm, shaking up my plans yet again. Even now as I attempt to type this up, I’m being stopped by my mini-mes for all manner of reasons. None urgent, but just enough to derail me.

In my head, I had everything planned out. My graphic was ready to go. I was going to post, link up on social media and share a word of encouragement. Sounds like a beautifully layered salad. Except that the bowl was flipped up in the air and all the layers started mixing together changing from the artistic layered look to the organized jumble of a tossed salad. All the elements are there, but in a different order now.

And perhaps this was my lesson? So often I think I’m ready for things. I make seemingly good plans and have fantasized about my intentions and my reach. In my mind’s eye, I visualize a certain path.

Reality, however, is a different story. One of the definitions for ready is ‘willing’. My own willingness is only one part. I need to be willing to yield to God.

My thoughts, my ways, my plans…my, my, my. They’re all limited. Me & my flawed self do not know it all. While my intentions are usually good, I cannot predict the outcome. However, God knows. He knows all! When I’m ready to trust Him, to let Him steer, He will use it for His glory AND will even bless me in the process. Because He’s gracious like that.

I always want to be ready for more of His grace.


I’m linking up with Kate and the five-minute Friday community today. The rules are simple. Just write, freely, uninhibitedly for five minute. No editing required/allowed/needed.

Five Minute Friday: Whisper



I think of the encounter at a town well many years ago. A woman carefully chose the time of day to draw water, specifically to avoid meeting anyone else. Yet one day, she meets a Man. He’s from a background that she’s been raised to hate. She knows nothing about Him and refuses to give Him a fair chance. He is judged based on appearance. This Man then has the holy boldness to ask her for a drink of water. And a dialogue ensues.

One that, I imagine, happened with whispers and low tones.

The woman’s story is one of humiliation and defeat. This kind-hearted and gracious Man, however, is not in the business of embarrassing people. I imagine that as He asked her about her story, He did so with love and compassion and a gentle whisper. He was not trying to draw any extra attention to her. After all, their meeting was a clash of cultures. No need to drag her already sullied name into anymore mud. He listened as she spoke, not intending for anyone to overhear. In fact, when His disciples returned, they saw them together, but did not hear any of the conversation that was transpiring.

Today, these encounters happen anytime, anywhere. We do not need a meeting place in order to have a private rendezvous with Christ. We just need to start talking.

Our stories are just as private, intimate and embarrassing as hers was. And He is still just as kindhearted and gracious. Because He doesn’t change.

Even if all we can manage to do is squeak out a few whispered grunts and groans, He is fully attentive and listening for it.

Because He loves us so much and values every detail of our story.


You can visit the five-minute Friday community over at Kate’s to see more about this week’s prompt ‘whisper’.

Five Minute Friday: Reach

His tiny hand kept trying. Stretching open, then pulling in to close. An endless cycle of ‘open-close-open-close’. He was trying hard to grab the sparkly item. It was just beyond his reach.

www.sabrinajr.com (2)

Three things stood out for me as I watched my 7-month old working at reaching this item.

He didn’t quit. He kept going and going, maintaining the intensity and earnestness in his reach. He kept his eye on the prize, not looking left or right. He was focused, figuring that if not this time, then next time, his efforts will pay off.

Adjustment is sometimes necessary. The little guy was just too far from the object of his desire. His arm only extends so far and not further. He needed to reposition himself so that he could reach his goal. Once he got a wee bit closer—jackpot! He reached his prize and was thrilled.

Goals are achievable. They’re meant to be set high, so that we’d have to reach. When we make the goals too easy to grab, we miss the chance to develop new skills and learn valuable life lessons. Sometimes we’re scared to set goals for ourselves. No one enjoys being a failure, especially when it comes to our goals. It gets discouraging to fall short. It is exhausting to begin again and again, especially if we’re too stubborn to adjust our methods.

Watching this scene unfold reminded me of Jesus. He reaches for me over and over again. He never quits and is relentless in His pursuit of my heart. I’m swimming in blessings and trials, both coming in a variety of shapes and sizes.

The goal? To strengthen my faith in Him and develop my character. So that I can be used for His glory.


I’m joining the five-minute Friday linkup tonight. You can find our new home here.


d e v e l o p m e n T

She varies, with different faces, shapes, sizes and hues.  Some days, she is stylish; other times, she is ‘unique’.

She has a heart often made of solid gold.  She works to love those around her, from the depths of her being.  One should avoid double-crossing her, however, because she will rear her head and fire venom at you before you can blink.  As deeply as she loves, she abhors unfairness and injustice too.  She works hard to rectify wrong doings.

She has eyes that she guards heavily with thin, and hopefully transparent, veils.  While she’s discerning enough to read you with one glance, she strives to keep her eyes clear and void of her personal sentiments.  Life is about you, not her.  What can she give you?  Her bravado is on full display to erase the fear from your eyes…and hers.

She’s a spinner—always turning the tables, deflecting the attention from herself.  Accolades and pomp are usually rare that it’s uncomfortable to be the center of attention when it does happen.  In a little micro-inch of her heart, she’d like to learn how to accept these niceties with the grace they deserve, but she just doesn’t know how.  Or, if truth be told, she never made the time to learn how.  It’s easier, safer to smile and nod.  Hug, when appropriate and maybe even shed a tear.

She is you.




The countless women who impact our lives and are the true role models of womanhood.  The teacher we could never forget.  The caregiver with the gentlest touch.  The receiver of your love note that arrived in her mailbox at the *right* time.  The one who first prayed for you, then penned a note of encouragement to send specifically to you.