Author: Sabrina
Five Minute Friday: Graceful
Five Minute Friday: Change
She Wrote Me a Note
She slid a paper in front of my face. It said two words:
“Bad Mom”
I asked her why she thought I was a bad mom. She grabbed the paper, hurrying to jot down a few more words.
“Your a bad mom”
Again, I wanted to hear from her own six year-old self why she thought I was being “bad”.
“Your mean”
If I can be honest here–the note didn’t bother me one bit. A very small part of me was impressed that she’d chosen to write down her feelings, rather than yelling and screaming. My girl was entitled to her view on the situation. I chose to disagree without fighting back.
It was in working to be a “good mom” that she thought I was “bad”.
In my heart and mind, a good mom is one who stays consistent. Who works through the obstacles to teach her children the importance and necessity of listening. The mother who doesn’t ignore rude behaviour, nor tolerate cut corners with certain actions. There are behaviours that are completely unacceptable for all age groups. There was no way that I wanted my daughter to grow up practicing these habits and turning people off everywhere she goes. That would be horrendous to her social skills.
That day, I refused to let her keep ignoring me. What’s more, I refused to put up with the huffing, puffing and groaning when she was giving a directive. There’s no need to stamp your feet in response to “please tidy up the living room floor”. Especially when it’s her toys strewn all over the place.
Moms, don’t quit! Don’t give up. It’s conceding to the negative behaviour, the rudeness, the ignorance, that makes us “bad moms”.
When you’re trying your best and working through the hard times?
You’re indeed a “good mom”.
How have you battled against the good and bad labels?
Five Minute Friday: Join
“I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you’re joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. ~~John 15:5 (The Message)
Five Minute Friday: Stretch
Five Minute Friday: Connect
I’m terrible at making friends. The bosom-buddy kind of sister-friends. I know a lot of people. I have friends who love me (and whom I love too!) in various degrees. But the kind of pal that just pops in? The ones I could call after midnight just to share a silly joke or an ugly cry? Those are a rarity in my life.
This connection business is hard work. There are so many elements to being connected, that to think of it as hard work is underwhelming. In order to connect horizontally, I need to make sure that I’ve got something to offer.
I need to be an appealing jigsaw piece that connects to it’s right match. Sure, there are tons of other pieces that seems to fit pretty well at times.
But pretty well doesn’t always mean that it’s right for either piece.
How do I get something to offer? By the vertical connection. I need to be connected to God. He’s the Life-Giver, the Creator. I was designed with a specific, tailor-made plan for my life. I need to stay connected to Him, the power source.
I don’t want to be one of those gorgeous, ornamental table lamps. The shape and lamp shade are perfect & exquisite. A lamp that could offer the perfect amount of light in the right setting. Yet, are completely useless if they have no light bulb connected to its socket.
Five Minute Friday: Here
Five Minute Friday: Beyond
Beyond is going farther than. Breaking free of the comfy little bubble or box that is all I know and hold dear. Beyond means more than just thinking outside the box.
Thinking is easy.
It’s the doing that’s challenging. Uneasy. Eerie.
Beyond means allowing myself to dream. I stopped dreaming at one point. Not the dreams that happen while I sleep–those never stop. Any ideas, goals, wild fantasies for my future? Those stopped. I figured that if there was no logical way or finances for me to accomplish them, then what’s the point? Instead I dreamed in reachable increments.
That’s not really dreaming. That’s certainly not going beyond. It’s not even coming close to any limits.
Beyond means to stretch further. To aim higher. To keep persevering. It means not quitting when I start to warm up. I need to buckle down, grit my teeth and keep going. Let’s aim at breaking a sweat.
Beyond means me opening my hands, and letting go of myself. I have limits. I set limits.
I need to trust in Someone outside of myself.
God’s ways are mind-blowing. They are beyond me, beyond my imagination. He will take me farther & higher than I’d like to go.
Five Minute Friday: Risk
Is it still called a ‘risk’ if you play it safe when taking one?
The times I attempt to be risky, it’s usually on my terms. If it’s somewhat of a certainty that things will turn out how I think they should, then I’ll jump in. If there’s a guaranteed outcome, then why not risk it? If there’s a promised reward at the end, then sure, I’d be silly not to do it.
Most people consider risks and plans and resolutions at that time between the old and new year. I tend to think of them today–my birthday. I think back over the past year and wonder if I’ve lived right. Have I loved the people around me as I am loved? Have I taken any risks? Should I be doing more with this next year of my life.
How fitting that tonight’s subject is risk. I’m not a risky person. It’s not in my nature to gamble. At all. Yet, that’s part of what life is about. Risk.
Trusting God is a risk. Obedience is a risk. I may find myself going solo or worse yet–looking like a fool. See how easily that turned into something selfish?
I shy away from risks because of how I think I may look.
Sometimes God requires me to take a risk. I should rephrase it. Sometimes God requires me to step out in faith. It’s not about me looking stupid. It’s about the wonderful things He can do through me. As a bonus–there are always blessings that come when I take a God-led risk.