I want to tell you things that inspire.
Motivate you to live right and choose life.
I wish the perfect words rolled off my tongue easily,
Flowing freely like sweet tasting clear springs.
Like the water found on scenic calendars or motivational posters.
I want to tell you how it feels to be a woman in this day and age,
But I haven’t finished learning yet.
Womanhood has made great strides since creation.
Yet, though we came from a rib
We’re still not walking side-by-side
As we could
I want to tell you what it means to be Black in this day and age.
The troubles, the fears, what normal looks like.
More people are willing to publicly contemplate
How race affects them in 2014.
Yes, it’s 2014, but the phrase ‘back in my day…’ still applies
To last year
And even just yesterday
I want to tell you how it feels to be parenting in this day and age.
But my kids aren’t grown yet.
I’m trying to raise children for the Kingdom
While kids around us seem to be living for themselves.
I’m teaching manners in a time when sass seems socially acceptable;
Even encouraged.
Our home has love
It also has discipline, structure and guidelines.
Tons of laughter and fun.
It is possible to have all these aspects at home
I want to tell you how it feels to be a wife in this day and age.
A time when the term ‘divorce’ is no longer taboo.
In fact, it nearly seems expected
Instead of asking each other ‘how are you?’
The question has turned into ‘are you two still together?’
Oh, I’m only scratching the surface of things I could tell
There are stories to share
Life lessons that I have learned
I want to tell you all the details, once I have them all sorted out.
Perhaps for now, right in this moment,
I already did.