Assignment: I’m sure you’ve guessed it by now; write a post that incorporates a conversation into it. Write it. Then discuss it over in the Facebook Group.
“Mom, can I have some cereal?” the little darling asked, in her sweet, innocent way.
“When I asked you before, you didn’t want anything. Why wait until after you’re tucked in?” annoyed, Mom worked to keep her tone kind and even.
I’m sure three-year olds do this on purpose. Make decisions on the spur of the moment, as it suits them. In this case, this was yet another sneaky attempt at a bed time stalling technique. Some days, we know she’s playing. But this night, she hadn’t really eaten much for supper. A bowl of her favourite cereal becomes a must. If she didn’t eat now, then she’ll keep coming out of bed, looking for something to eat. Her tone would soon start to change into that grating whininess that just irks Mom to the core. Let’s avoid confrontation, thought Mom.
“Come on, Honey. Sit at the table to eat your cereal.” Mom sighed in resignation. Much better than the firm tone that was so close to cracking the edge. “When you’re done, please head straight back to bed”.
“Oh, thank you, Momma”, she replies gratefully. The smile in her tone matched the adorable grin on her face.
“Ooooph!” Mom exclaimed, as a ball of three-year old energy attacked her with a hug. It was yet another reminder of how far a simple gesture goes. The whole scene could have turned out drastically different had both mom and daughter let it go too far.