Five Minute Friday: Grateful

Her nameplate must have read ‘Wall Flower’ because that’s how she felt.  Who knew that it was possible for grown adults to behave as though the workplace was an elementary school playground.  There were harsh tones and lots of finger pointing when it came to how the business operated.  The complaining attitudes grated her nerves.  It baffled her why someone would return from a planned errand and complain incessantly about the service when it was all their choice.  She chose to do differently and not complain.  Her lifestyle choices of abstinence from alcohol and cigarettes almost turned against her, making her a social outcast.

One day, near the end of her time there, she got brave.  As usual, most of the staff had gone out to lunch together; as usual, she was not invited.  She turned to another office mate and casually asked her why she hadn’t joined the crew.  I refuse to go out with them, the reply started.  I don’t like the way they treat you.

At that moment, she was grateful.  Grateful for the honesty.  Grateful for the reassurance that what she suspected was indeed true.  It was not all in her head.  She was very grateful that her days there were numbered, knowing that she would never return there once she left.  Grateful for prayer, as she prayed for hearts to change; theirs.

And hers.


I’m joining in with the Five-Minute Friday community today.  Come along to read other stories about ‘grateful’.

  • Anita

    :(. It takes some people a long time to grow up (they probably weren’t comfortable in their own skin, so they had to make fun of some one else–and that’s no fun for the one on the receiving end). The good news is, God loves us just the way we are, and he’ll give us the courage to be ourselves in any and every situation. Hugs to you!

  • Loved As If

    How very lovely! I’ve had this experience. You captured it beautifully. Thanks. Drusilla (