Friend: that person who sticks so close that they’ve morphed into a sister.
Dare I say that friendship is one of the hardest relationships to cultivate? Your siblings—they’re ‘assigned’ or gifted to you by your parents. Classmates, co-workers, church mates. There is no democracy within these ranks. I don’t get the option of whom to select or the pleasure of punting away those who just don’t seem to mesh with me.
But a friend? That’s all choice. There’s something I saw in you that made me want to know you more. There was an investment of time, energy, food, tears, laughter, and unconditional love that was worth every moment.
May I be open for a moment? Friendship has always been a h-u-g-e struggle for me. What does a girl who used to get “dumped” on the bus by her friends (true story from my junior high years), know about friendship?
I have a pretty solid understanding of how not to do friendship. Likewise, I have a fresh perspective on what it means to be a friend.
From the long list of ‘what not to do’ emerges characteristics of a true friend and ‘what to do’. The size of my friendship community does not exempt me from being a good friend. My finite, limited mind needs to pull examples from other sources. Why not look at the pattern set by the world’s Bestest of Friends? Jesus.
This guy was amazing! He hung out with people whom society (then and now) scowled at. Jesus disregarded what they did and looked at who they were. As a friend, He fed, clothed, comforted, miracled, supplied, supported and provided for all. If that wasn’t enough—He loves from this deep place in His soul. And He never demanded a single thing in return for His friendship.
Being a friend was a gift.
Rather than set expectations, I need to allow more exceptions.
Welcome to my new space. I’ve missed you all while I waited for the ‘new site’ dust to settle. There’s a bit more tweaking to be done, but it’s readable now. Thanks for your patience!
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