These Feet Were Made For Walking…

Yes, folks, we have a walker in our midst. For the past few weeks, she’s been walking along furniture, wobbling and bobbing as she goes. Then her little legs gradually got stronger and stronger. Everytime we’d try to hold her hands and get her to walk though, she’d just fall and prefer to crawl.

Well, this morning, she wanted off my lap while I was on the computer. So, I put her down, and she started stepping out while I was still holding her hands. So, I got up, and she kept putting one foot in front of the other…and another step, and another… Soon, we were across the room.

My baby’s growing up. I was so amazed and pleasantly stunned, that I had to tell someone. I called Daddy. I could just hear the smile in his voice. All he could say though was “It’s over now…it’s over now…it’s over now…”

Now to work on tightening the invisible leash…