Pretty Memories

Did you know that memories can be pretty? And I mean tangibly pretty. I was on this site and read about a this company. They make paper that’s plantable. Meaning, if you get one of their cards, for example, you could plant it and it’ll germinate in 6-8 weeks time. You’d have a long lasting memory of that event! How cool is that.

I’m a “thinking of you”-type card giver. While I do enjoy giving/sending cards to people on a whim, the budget has not allowed me to do so as freely as I’d like. (Thankfully, email still is free). But emails don’t have that same fragrant, blooming effect as flowers. I’m not really one to do cards for holidays (unless we’re super close) or even birthdays. And thanks to the little gift tags on gift bags, I don’t even need to invest in your trash can. But these plantable cards? I’d definitely try hard to get a few of those and send them to those people who I rarely see, but cross my mind. And what’s cool is that for a few bucks, I’m indirectly sending more than a card!

Tell me about what other little neat ideas you’ve seen/read/experienced.

  • Aimee and Ron

    Hi Sabrina. Your pic looked familiar off the BBB blog, and of course, it’s bc I met you yesterday at the Vimy Ridge Splashpad through Serena. Anyways, just wanted to say HI! :)