The Thin Line

I just read this blog post and it was enough to get me thinking.  And thinking well, because I’m actually posting.  The blogger is choosing to end her blog, in part because she doesn’t want to risk embarrassing her kids as they age and in part because she can’t be a honest and forthcoming with some of her posts as she’d like to be. 

I don’t blame her.  I’ve struggled with the same thing on this blog, wanting to pour my heart out, but holding back.  I mean, I’m not about to seek permission from someone to share my opinion on a matter.  However, they also have the right to their privacy and shouldn’t fear having their life on public blogging display.  There’s a line, however thin and however high, but there’s a line and I choose to respect it in the best way possible. 

Don’t worry–I’m not closing my blog now.  I will be looking at life differently and trying to find ways to share my experiences, from my perspective.