I did say that October was going to be busy. Who has time for playing? No one here over the age of 4 yrs, that’s for sure! What’s been going on? My last post, which seems so long ago but was really only last week, sparked the beginning on continual movement here.
Friday was Jhyelle’s birthday. She’s two! Eeek—where does the time go??!! As if I have a toddler & preschool & fetus on my hands now. Yikes! We didn’t have time or energy to do too much for this birthday. Lunch with family, the following day, after church was the plan. Some interesting convo followed, as the evening went on. Hmmm, I think that someone was playing too much…
Sunday kicked off with an early morning meeting. Followed by some r&r for me, and then a family Thanksgiving dinner. We also do our dinner on the Sunday.
Monday was bread baking extravaganza. Sixteen loaves. Yes, 16. I think I need to start selling them for some extra income around these parts. And I’ve gotten rave reviews on my bread. People would buy it.
Tuesday was back to the grind. Helped with children’s program at church in the evening. We had thirteen kids. Exciting! Exhausting! Yet, so worth it.
Wednesday–hair washing day, for me. The evening was a repeat of Tuesday.
Thursday–break day. It was time for this momma to chillax a wee bit before heading into the busy weekend.
And hello Friday!
Yeah, that’s alright. It may not seem like much, but it surely felt like plenty. And the quality of what was done was of high caliber.
Sleepy time. Hopefully this headache won’t play and stop bugging me!!