No Progress Yet

This baby isn’t yet ready to make his/her appearance.  I saw a Dr today (mine was on vacation, but I saw her colleague) and he checked for dilation.  He did ask if I wanted my membranes swept if I was dilated.  It may bring on labour within the next few days.  No thanks, I told him.  Personally, I’m not too keen on um, aiding labour along.  Things will start when they’re ready, I say.  Yes, I’m uncomfy and all, but not feeling any need to rush things along.

Plus, there’s the biggie–I have my hair appointment tomorrow, which I fully intend to keep.  I don’t know when next I’ll be able to get my hair done and cut, so this appointment is crucial.  I’d last gone in October, so it’s been awhile.  I was not missing this appointment.
Glad I had my heart set on no.  I’m only about 0.5 cm dilated.  Yes, half a centimeter. 
Keep on waiting, folks.