Hello. My name is Sabrina and I am a writer.
I felt the need to just spell it out that way, for myself. I read a fantastic and most encouraging post on the (In)Courage site today. Please take a few moments to check it out.
In a nutshell, the author was saying that if you write, you’re a writer. Nothing should take away from that.
After reading and rereading her post (a few times), I realized a few things about myself.
- I am a writer. I write. I enjoy writing. My friends & family come to me for help with wording anything–announcements, emails, invitations, résumés, essays, etc. I never say no–no task is too small for me to attempt. I prefer to email someone rather than make a phone call.
- I’ve been underestimating my talent. I have no major writing contract. I haven’t rubbed elbows with my favourite authors. I haven’t been published by any “big name”. But in no way do these “have nots” mean that I have no talent. I do have talent. Even if it’s meant to only be shared in circles closest to me–I’ve still got abilities.
- I tend to hide behind dreams and aspiration and hopes for the future. It’s easier and much less daunting, to say that one day in the future, I’d like to be a writer. As though the future is far off. But rather than live in the future, I should own the moments of the present.
I can write right now
I am a writer now.