Five Minute Friday: Ordinary

Who defines what ordinary?  Who decides what’s commonplace, what’s plain and not all that more special than something else? 

My kids think that life is ordinary.  They think that little girls gets their heads washed in the kitchen sink and done up nicely the night before church.  They think homemade bread and tasting the bread dough before it’s baked it ordinary.  They believe that family dinners at or on their birthdays are the norm.  Until they start chatting with other kids.

My parents thought life was ordinary.  My Dad spoke kreyol & french at home, believing that how people spoke.  And he was right, to a point.  He & his brother grew up respecting their parents, being obedience to their instruction and teaching.  My Mom grew up in a large family, where her Mother worked hard to provide.  She lived with an older sister for a time, helping to tend to her niece & nephews.  Then they arrived to this country.  No longer were their accents normal or commonplace.  Their faces were extraordinary.  Their values and morals, far from the new ordinary.  And snow?!  There was only one place they’d ever heard the term before.

I think that life for an earnest Christian is also far from ordinary.  God does amazing things and operates in His timing.  If He operated in our timing, we’d probably look and act just like every one else around us.  But He has a special purpose for each and every one of us.  We’re not meant to fit in.  We’re meant to stand out.  Not stick out like a sore thumb, but to be extraordinary among the humdrum around us…
Phew!  I had no clue where this post was going when I first started it.  Your turn.  5 minutes, no editing.  Just let the words flow and your fingers type. 

Be be warned:  You’ll have fun :-)

  • Michelle

    Oh yes, we are called to be extraordinary! I wrote about that on our church blog that I contribute to once a week….

    it’s so true how things can be so ordinary to us & not to others! Have a terrific week!

  • Blessed Beyond a Doubt…

    If we are considered ordinary, I believe we must check our heart. Christians aren’t ordinary.

    Great thoughts!

  • marykathryntyson

    hi number five! :)

    isn’t that so true? your post made me think of what was ‘normal’ in my home…and years later a pastoral counselor told me just how not ‘normal’ it really was.

    and how un-ordinary our life is as christians? so true, too.

    love, number six. :)