Today’s assignment: Write five nondescript sentences. Look at them again and re-write them to show and not tell what was happening. Go over them one last time and pump them full of interesting and descriptive words to really drive your point home!
Here I go…
- The computer is slow.
- It’s a sunny day.
- I need contact lenses.
- I drink tea.
- My winter jacket is not the warmest.
- As the website was loading, I was able to start the washing machine and unload the dishwasher. It was finished just after I sat down.
- I awoke to bright blue skies and the warmth of the sun.
- I quickly pulled my head away, avoiding contact, as my baby’s hands reached out for my glasses.
- While the water started to boil, I pulled out my favourite mug and went to choose a tea bag.
- I pile on extra layers before I put on my jacket. I wish I could just pull out my jacket and run out the door like they do on tv.
- I pulled up my faster browser and clicked on my favourite news bookmark. “This is crazy,” I thought to myself as the page began to load. I left the loading page and ran to turn on the pre-loaded washing machine. From the laundry room, I jogged into the kitchen and unloaded half-empty dishwasher. Believing the webpage had loaded, I returned to the computer. After I sat down, it was readable.
- The house felt warm, hot even though it’s still winter. I dressed thinking it was warm outside. As I opened the door to step outside, I couldn’t see. The glaring sun made me squint, my eyes only the smallest of slits. Time to find a cute pair of sunglasses for myself.
- I put hung up the glass cloth, smiling at the clean view in front of my face. Nothing beats clean eyeglasses. The baby reached up to me, needing some snuggle time. She started to giggle and reach out for my face. Oh no you don’t, I thought, and jerked my head back. You’re not grabbing my glasses again today. I really need to get some contact lenses, I sighed to myself.
- In the mood for a hot, soothing drink, I put some water on to boil. Grabbing my favourite tall mug, I opened the pantry and weighed my options. I still wasn’t sure which flavour to grab first. I reached for the sugar. My tea always needs to be sweetened. Now for the harder question, herbal or rooibos?
- I knew it was cold outside. I had fully looked up the weather conditions before venturing outdoors. The added windchill factor on top of the cold temperature should’ve been hint enough. Yet, I figured I could get away with the shorter jacket instead of my cozy, warm long coat. I was quickly running to the store for a couple of things. I was sitting on a heated seat in my hot car. Why was I still shivering?