Five Minute Friday: Visit


I sat there, confused. They were claiming that it was ‘visitors day’. I was indeed a visitor in their midst, but I certainly didn’t feel like it was my day.

Who visits a church, as a visitor, on visitors day, and doesn’t get greeted?


I wasn’t looking for any *stand-up-so-everyone-can-see-you’re-a-guest* awkwardness.

No. I would have been fine with a hello from those with whom I shared a pew. Just one.

This made me wonder about myself.

It’s easy to make elaborate plans. To go all out in advertising and talking about an event. I can make a big production into inviting people over. I can plan, tidy up and prepare a tasty menu. But once they’re in my doors, this is where reality hits.

How do I treat my guests?

If I’m going to invite you over, I would love for you to have a positive experience in my home. I don’t want my guests be praying that time would speed along so that the visit can end. I want people to feel relaxed and comfortable when they visit.

The biggest thing is mindset. I’ve changed my thinking when it comes to visitors.

When people come to visit, they’re coming to see me (or my husband or my children). They’re not inspecting for level of immaculate cleanliness nor tasting my food to critique for ratings.

Most of all, I pray that people experience God while on my property. Just because my gatherings are not Bible studies or prayer meetings doesn’t mean that the effect of God in my home will be any less. I don’t know everyone’s heart. But I hope that in visiting my home, all guests will leave feeling loved.


I’m linking up with Kate and the five-minute Friday community today. I’m inviting you to join in the fun. You can visit her site here.

  • Sarah Mueller

    (Shuddering) My family actually visited a church where not one person acknowledged us. This was not a large congregation – around a hundred people. We left knowing that this was definitely not the local Body of Christ for us, but also with a life – learned lesson to be warm and friendly every Sunday morning. To this day (ten years later), our daughters joke that they hope their mansion in Glory is not by any of those unfriendly, church members:) Praise God, He planted us in a very warm and friendly congregation!

  • Ruth Marriott

    Hi Sabrina! You’re not alone in experiencing this. But Jesus was the sort of person who welcomed whoever, even at the end of a long day of ministry. Your heart is becoming more and more like his in your hospitality.

  • Amy

    Sabrina, your story make me so sad and upset because the whole reason I am back in church was because of how sweetly my family was greeted when we visited our church the first time. It also makes me sad because I realize that I personall don’t reach out to meet the vistors as I should. Thank you for sharing your experience to remind me of all that He is calling me to…..just to love on others.