My miracle girl is 5 years old today. I call her life a miracle for a couple reasons:
- Only God has the power to create life. It’s beyond my scope.
- She was extremely ill at birth–and lived. The medical staff whisked her away to the Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) immediately after she was born, in effort to stabilize her breathing. They hoped to report back in an hour. Jhyelle ended up staying there for two weeks instead. In fact, she nearly died that first night…but God!
Each time her birthday rolls around, I’m overwhelmed and humbled by gratefulness. I remember getting ready to see her for the first time ever, and my nurse was fighting back tears. Her question will always stay with me:
“Are you people of faith?”
I let her know that yes, we were. And she was instantly relieved, because she knew the road ahead was filled with unknowns. Though I had no idea what condition I would find my baby in, I was filled with peace. God assured me right at the moment that Jhyelle would not die. I begun mentally preparing myself for possible developmental and physical delays. I predicted a full calendars of specialist visits for a long time to come.
Those appointments were never booked. Other than routine follow up procedures for NICU patients, Jhyelle has been blessed with healthy growth and development in all areas of her life.