Assignment: Pick two topics and brainstorm about them! If you don’t have 3 x 5 cards on hand, just cut up a piece of paper into smaller pieces, or you could even just list the subcategories into groups on paper after brainstorming them. Write about your results on the Better Writer Facebook page.
The topics I selected for this exercise were motherhood and love. Using the pen & paper method for my storm, this brain went to work. I went with a few main ideas from the keyword, then branched off into many other words after that. It was neat to see how one little work is a spark to so much more. It’s just a matter of taking time to be deliberate not just with my words, but with the thought process.
I used to wonder just how it was that some of the bloggers/writers I most admired were able to come up with something new daily. How did they also manage to write about the same idea from a different angle many times over? Now I know. Brainstorming was not something I’d even considered until recently. This technique is a practice that I plan to continue using for myself. It’s tricky to sometimes have pen and paper at hand. Time to check out what brainstorm-friendly apps exist for my phone.