Ha ha ha! This prompt made me laugh, almost roar, with laughter.
I’m working to intentionally tone down all roaring in my life. At least in the areas where I have control. I don’t need to be roaring angrily at my children, no matter how mentally tired or frustrated or unsure I may be. I’d rather enjoy the roar of their giggles and shrieks of delight.
The days of being busy from the first seconds I awake until I literally drop into my bed at night are few and far between. That’s my goal. I don’t need the loudness of business and constant stream of sounds. In fact, sometimes I’m too busy to hear the sounds properly–they usually just go in one ear and out the other. I’d prefer the roar of silence. More stillness, more serenity.
I tend of think of loud, vocal noise when I hear “roar”. I’m not loud. Yet, I’m realize that the way I live my life, the love I show to those around me, the choices I make are indeed loud.
My actions are a roar.